Chapter Seventy Three

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You filled your mouth with air as you still taste the chocolate flavor into your mouth "y/n" a female voice called again

You sipped some water before you tilt your head you sighed in distress "what is it again..." you gulped "y/n" you snapped as you saw your countess signaling you to come towards their sit

Your heart skipped a beat as you realize the lords were already waiting for you your countess looks ashamed somehow embarrassed? You sighed and didn't think twice to stand up and walk towards to your countess with her siblings

You breathed heavy as you walk towards them anger and sadness built up into your muscles as you felt your hands beginning to get cold as you grip your dress tighter getting near to your countess's and the other "lords" she mentioned to you before everything went down hill

You breath out as you sit next to your countess you sighed as your heartbeat started to rise the feeling of a peasant siting with five high ranked people who lead the village made your confidence went down

You gulped as you fidgeted with your fingers you ignored your countess's gaze she looked concerned? You licked your lips still ignoring them "hm, such a warm greeting isn't that, alcina" your heart skipped a beat as you stopped fidgeting with your fingers your breathing heavily now

"A-ah I- greetings" you smiled awkwardly and just giggled without your intentions, you looked away as you process everything the man in a hat is just bothering you he looks like he could drink everyday his elbow just resting on the arm rest his finger below his chin examining your whole existence

"E-ehm" mother miranda then cleared her throat and put the tea on the small table in-front of you all
"Pathetic, now... Look who's maiden who dress so elegantly" she giggled you gulped as you were examining the lady wearing a veil

You stared at her ignoring every gaze was laid upon you, you shifted your eyes to a doll that makes you creeped out her dirty white dress makes you more disturbed you just paused into your actions and ignored your countess's gaze but now she is just not looking to you

It made you relieved and stressed as well thinking that she would kill you later or just dump you but you just thought "ok" you sighed in the inside not wanting to be disrespectful

Everyone was already examining you mother miranda suddenly giggle "now, now" the silence crashed and she waved her index finger; you felt pissed at her but you did well enduring everything

You heart was still pounding you were already panicking at this point the silence was already killing you the doll was already giggling creepily, "Hugh"  your brain was already disgusted

"Looks like she has an interest to you donna" the man laughed and looked at the woman in a veil,
you snapped as you forgot that everyone's eyes are laid into your existence "oh my... stupid! Stupiddd!!!" You were already crying in the inside in embarrassment the man continued to play and mock you

You ignored everything that the man was saying and you lose track of what's happening you were staring at something "what's in that veil? Ah stopp" your curiosity made your eyebrows curl as you stare at something getting sick of what the man was saying

suddenly the women shifted her head to you and made her veil lift up a bit you saw a bit of her face as she pat her doll you gulped and your shocked how she looked "wow.. damn" you sighed again not wanting to make your face much more red but

The man continued "look ha! Alcinaa that maiden of yours blushing? Ha! Oh my heavens" the man then teased you fidgeted your fingers getting stressed already you can feel your countess's anger rise as she tried not to rage in complete anger "enough with those pathetic games heisenburg" your countess then looked away and crossed heer arms

𝚃𝚠𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon