Chapter Seventy six

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Hi my readers well please don't kill me, I'm in the dentist right now and I would post a much more longer chapter later for you my luvs✨🌹💋


You felt goosebumps rise onto your skin as you walk towards your doorknob your heels clacking through the balcony as you hesitate to step down onto the first step of the stair

"Yess Fellowesss..." your friends cheered as you smiled awkwardly going down the stairs you sighed as you felt the warm aura of the castle caress your skin you folded your lips as you get more shyness into your body

You just smiled at your friends when you went down the stairs "y/n! Lets go!" Jenny suddenly loudened her voice and you snap with your thoughts "ah. Yeah. O-of course" you sighed as you mumbled "I that stair"

You puffed your mouth with air as you pat your dress feeling the fluffy cloth onto your bare hands you played the flowers into your sleeves as you felt your tired legs relaxed onto your sit

"Don't move ok?" Your friend chuckled as you started to get nervous what could your countess have been doing you sighed and nodded and wondered with your thoughts "power... gift? What? Alcina... oh my shit" you gulped as you just swing your legs your hair getting curled up with a warm curler

"She's wierd... I hate this-" you sighed "coward.." you gulped into your thoughts and you snapped "yah stop it y/n She not a coward!" You fidgeted with your fingers "mother miranda- why?... gift why?! Does shee..." you bit your lip a bit

Your friend suddenly shrug the end of your hair making you shiver as you felt the air in the castle "done!" Suddenly you heard footsteps approaching behind your sit "yah good job" Jenny suddenly giggled as you were getting stressed with your thoughts

You folded your lips and you stood up to take a glance of your hairstyle you cracked a smile as you stroked your hair seeing the perfect curls "thank you." You smiled at your friends as your other friends were already excited to begin

You see some lights some roses scattershot in the set you sighed in relief as you saw your countess busy with the meeting you looked at the rose petals on the floor especially looking forward for a less ccupatious setup

"Yah! Sit there" you held your hand tigether as you nodded questions in your mind was still playing as you sighed trying to shrug everything off, everyone was already looking at you concerned and your friend with a polaroid knelt down to you as you wonder with a frowning face

"Y/n are you ok? You seem worried.." you snapped "ah yess.. I'm ok!" You giggled as you saw your countess's hat shifted to you, you sighed stressed hoping she would not look at you the fact that you don't want her to see your presence made you want to cry in embarrassment

"Here" another friend of your walk towards you and fixed your gown in place you felt so small in the castle the fact that the castles ceiling were so breathtaking

"Alright now..." you looked at the camera and light flashed on to your cheeks making you squint "again" you friend waved her hand as you positioned your head "good" you blinked as you felt pressure crawled into you

You gulped before the polaroid flashed "good.. now" you formed a smile trying not everything to get awkward as your friends were watching you taking the pictures "you will receive this after the shoot alright?.. now look at your side" your friend spoke the instructions as you nod to her statement about the pictures

You gulped as your friend said "look at the side" your heart started raising your breath hitched and you hesitated to look at your countess's direction and pose beautifully "I hate oh myyy.." you quickly followed as you fisted your hands trying to relax it in embarrassment

The camera flashed as you pose quickly and shifted your head to your friends, the fact that the petals made you mesmerized made you more excited "sit here" a friend of yours instructed you

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