Chapter One

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You woke up at 8:00 am in the morning and the sun is piercing through your eyes you look outside and got confused why is the outside so messy and distorted even one of your windows was shattered you quickly get out of your bed and started stretching and suddenly you heard a knock on your door (well you're room is not that big since you live in a shady apartment with your parents) you felt your light headed as you glare the towers of crystals that always decorated your room with but it makes you calm every time you take a glance from them.. 

You hurried through the door and answered it "hi how may i help you" you paused for a bit since you didn't expect that it was the keeper of the apartment you felt embarrassed for yourself. you held your necklace and felt your body shivered as you felt your mind getting reseted

The old voice of the keeper said "y/n well" he said with a nervous voice you answered "yes mr?"
He continued and said "well your parents died since there was an attack while you we're asleep they kept you safe first since the attackers are haunting down people in this apartment since they are finding belongings to sell " you're shocked when you heard the news you suddenly started feeling a tear going down through your face you can already imagined how they tried to protect you from the man said "attackers" you were startled about the news making you freeze you frowned as you get confused how is this old man so calm sharing this type of news personally

And the keeper continues "I'm sorry for your lost; Mrs Fellowes stated I should keep you safe before she was taken and shot dead" the keeper suddenly cleared his throat while you were devastated how you didnt have a chance to say something to them "y/nn.. I danced too much" you said to yourself while frozen "please thank you for keeping me safe I- thank you but.. I cant thank you enough for letting me stay here" your eyes widened as you thank the man with a shaky voice 

With a sad tone" it went silent for a bit and he continued "well y/n I apologize you can't stay here since there was an attack and you can't manage the apartment room by yourself since you don't have a job, and don't forget we are getting low on resources so might aswell close this apartment down"

You replied "NO but how am I supposed to survive in this weather without a shelter" you asked he replied "sorry y/n I guess you have to find a new shelter" you're brain started to panic so is you. you started thinking where am I gonna stay? How am I gonna do this? You begged and begged to the keeper but there was no hope for you to have an extra stay. Loads of fear and questions go through your mind until.

The keeper said "well y/n i will be waiting to the exit you have to pack your bags and leave" you were stunned since your mind has panicked earlier you were about to utter but you replied "yes mister" with a sad voice you closed the door again and you sighed you hurried to the bathroom and you forced yourself to forget what happened earlier since it makes you unmotivated and depressed thinking that your gonna be lonely.

You took a quick shower and fixed yourself you got out of the bathroom and you remembered the memories of your parents you suddenly found a portrait of you and your parents hugging and playing it turns out you found your family album.

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