Chapter Seventy Five

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Suddenly you heard a loud man's voice commanded everyone "Ok now times up" the deep familiar voice echoed through the lobby and everyone stopped with their actions as the groan

"Oum, great its time" you said to yourself as you let go of the glass of water that you were holding you gulped as you stand up your friends started to clean the set up as they walk towards the set up and dismantle everything

"Aww" your friends whined "can we just" your friend requested as the background music was still playing "Its time to shoot now," your direct spoke as he opened a luggage that contained something "y/n! Y/n" your direct ignored your friend as your friends were cleaning the area out removing some cups and paper plates

Some were sweeping the floors but you just played with the balloon lettering that were shining "y/n" you suddenly heard a voice you burped before you shifted your head as the black luggage caught your attention

You folded your lips as you saw a red dress "here now wear this" your direct looked at you as he offered you the long red gown into your hands "oh uh ok" you nodded in confusion

"The hell I mean... yeah what do I expect it's a shoot" you gulped as you were examining the dress, you heard some zippers being zipped open, your friends chatting it made your spine produce some shivers but it didn't stop you to walk towards the stairs feeling light headed your feet are already tired from every step you made from the dress your wearing but you endure it

You can feel the powerful stares again as you breath going up to the stairs you then gulped and hummed you suddenly lost track of everything and you stub your shoe before the next step, "oh my freaking god" you balanced yourself up before you fell "oh my.." you breath out from the mini heart attach as you fix the red dress that you were holding on a hanger

"Ya! You ok there?" One of your friends shouted, you felt your heart ached in embarrassment "um they saw that?" You got worried that your countess saw that but you just endure it "yeah i-im ok!" You said nervously loud

Again you heard some metal stuff being assembled as you heard more chatting clanging of metal you just continued to go up the stairs still thinking of what happened earlier "power? Really what the hell is happening...." You whispered through the air "I hate her... Everything... really like so hard" you sighed your emotions and your mind became flustered as you think of your thoughts

You breath out "alcina... you.. Oh my what's happening?..." you puffed your mouth with air as you frown in confusion" you gulped as you go up to the last step you sighed and you secretly pant for air "haa that was tiring"

You kicked your shoes to your dress out of the way as you walk towards your room door you gripped the hanger as you grip the door knob at the same time you then creaked your door open "crybaby" mother miranda's words repeated in your mind

You took a glance of the ring that mother miranda gave you and you shrugged everything off "how did she... I mean Elena is a gift from her? So uh... wait what!" You froze after you heard your door click as it closed "How did she know that me crying? I- oum gift? The maidens are right! Yeah... yeah.." your spirits lifted up "but she loves her.. I mean yes.. of course.." you sighed as you felt your face frowned and you felt tears filled your eyes

"Stupid" you gulped as you put yourself up and went to your bathroom and change, you unzipped your dress at the back and slipped the dress down to your body, you felt the warm light caress your skin as you stretched your body wearing undergarments

You kicked the dress out of the way and knelt down as the awkward feeling of you in the stairs came back "tsk" you shrug it off as you unbelted your heels and popped your toes before you bring the dress with you in the bathroom

You fixed the front of your hair as you grip the counter of the sink "uh hell... i hate this.. why? Like Straight up" the big hat of your countess pictured in your mind as she tried not to look at you in the meeting made you stressed "she's definitely sad about Elena... I hate her!" You whined

You groaned as you put the dress out having some deep breaths to calm yourself down you removed the hanger from the dress and just formed a smile adoring your favorite flowers in the dress the red shiny material made your mood turn bright but this didn't made you happy enough the fact that you hated your countess from her actions

You sighed as you slipped the dress on you and your eyes shined as you looked at the mirror with the red dress on; you squealed and fisted as you smiled brightly and moved your body in different angles adoring the dress

You calmed down and you suddenly unintentionally touched your necklace you hummed in confusion but you just shrugged it off you removed the pins in your hair before you remove the tie you combed your hair as you groan in pain letting your tangled hair getting worked by the comb

Finally after your heavy breathings you hair is back to normal you felt your scalped relaxed as you combed your hair with your fingers, you sighed as you picked the gifts that mother miranda's children gave to you

You hugged the doll in your arms as you get out of the bathroom you laid the gifts on your bed including the ring that mother miranda gifted you; you gulped as you put on your red heels you folded you lips as you stand up from your bed after your put your shoes on

Finally its time you felt goosebumps lifted onto your skin

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