Chapter Twenty Two

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You woke up from a sharp pain on your body you tried to open your eyes but everything was blurry you were unconscious but you took a glance at your engagement ring you were relieved that it was still intact

But the fact it has blood stains on it you snapped to reality and you examined the room that your in you were kind of in an abandoned laboratory and you were horrified that you saw blood stains and hand prints on the wall

You were hearing drips in the room and some kind of dark brown liquid on the floor you tried to stand up but you here hand cuffed you tried to break the hand cuffs and you were groaning in pain

You suddenly heard the door opened and you saw the girl that your countess talked about and it was mother miranda "well well how bold of you trying to escape my laboratory" your heart started pounding when you saw her

Your heart was in your ears and you started to panic she has a tray with all kinds of tools you started shaking the hand cuffs and it started to bleed mother miranda was laughing

You lift up your head and screamed at her "where the hell am I what do you want!" She replied "oh nothing dear Im just gonna do something to you well you made Alcina not following my rules! What have you done!"

You were grunting and wanting to escape the laboratory suddenly she held your face but you spit on her she wiped her face and "so bold of you trying to face me"

Your head was bright red in anger and desperation of wanting to escape the metal bed "stop testing me dear" she grabbed some more cuffs but it was more bigger and it's probably more secured

You don't stop moving and moving around but suddenly she punched your stomach you yelped in pain and starting to feel more pain "thats better" she proceeded to put more cuffs on your legs and your two arms you were screaming in pain

"Shhh! Come on scaredy cat" she punched you again and blood was starting to stream on your face you screamed in pain and yelped hard she then put you some kind of collar on your neck

She held your chin again and you said "what the fuck you want from me bitch!" She replied "don't use those rash words to me young lady" you didn't stop but you felt a shock on your neck you yelped in pain

Mother Miranda laughed at you and hope was starting to get off you just stayed there sweating and the blood from your nose started to go to your dress suddenly something spoke "don't worry dear your just gonna stay there for jus a whole day she chuckled

And your sanity was going down already your eyes widener and said "No! You can't do this!" She laughed at you and screamed at her "you crazy bitch!"

She walked to you and slapped you again "your a brave one huh?" She went to activate the shock again and you felt your neck burning and you yelped on pain she went to a desk and grabbed some kind of cloth and wrapped it on your mouth "now shut up young lady"

You screamed at her and she shocked you again fucking hell "lets start shall we?" Mother miranda chuckled she went and experimented on you the end of your dress was already shredded the sleeves was barely holding on your now wet and splatter of blood was everywhere

She sliced your arm open and use some type of rope that has a group of blades at the end of it you were screaming in pain and everything was painful tears were streaming down your cheeks "ready?" You screamed in agony

And she started to hit you with the rope that has blades on it blood started to splash everywhere "fucking hell you crazy bitch" you mumbled under the cloth she shocked you again and you were yelling in pain this continued and didn't stop this goes for a straight 30 minutes

You just closed your eyes and looked down you were starting to get extremely weak you just collected your memories when you were still a maid and your countess was so gentle to you, you can't help but to cry in agony your sanity was getting low making you hopeless on the bed

Mother miranda licked the blades clean "you taste divine dear but we aren't done yet" she proceeded some more experiments with you she tried to drowned you but you try to survive and a lot of things as well was happening

She lit some candle and let the wax drip on your skin you were yelping in pain uncontrollably sanity was going down and you felt empty already without your countess by your side you just thought to yourself "A-Alcina help me please!"

Mother Miranda said "you think Alcina would save you huh?" She laughed and said "there is no more chance for you my dear and there is no chance that Alcina would want to spend time with you" you eagerly lift your body but you ended up being shocked by the collar

Mother miranda laughed while getting out of the laboratory you were left still hopeless on the bed and just looked down you felt empty and everything was painful you were straightly traumatized but it didn't stop you to dream of your countess

You cried uncontrollably and your emotions was mixed already it was like your getting psychotic you just let your self sleep hopelessly you didn't track the time and it was already 8:00 in the evening this means you slept through the day and tortured as well

Lady Dimitrescu pov

I went to a deal with somebody and I left y/n on the bed she was still sleeping and I stroked her hair and kissed her forehead I left the bedroom closing the door my daughters are coming with me I didn't worry about y/n since she has the maidens with her we left the castle early in the morning

Time skip...

We've arrived at the castle and I was about to greet y/n good morning I rushed to the bedroom but in my surprises she wasn't here I went to the maidens and they said "ah! She went to the library" I sprinted to the library and desperately wanting y/n to be there

In my surprise she wasn't there! "Y/n your making me worry right now" your countess explored the halls still not able to find you when she went to the balcony "shit she is not here" I called my daughters


They appeared in they're swarms and said
Yes mother?

Find y/n for me please

I'am trying to calm myself but my mind snapped and I auto pilot going to the garden hoping you could be found

While on the halls bela talked

Mother! Y/n went to the garden we searched her room her basket was wasn't there and she probably changed her clothes

"Y/n I hope your here in the garden" your countess was shocked when she saw your basket was on the ground your heels was there also

"Y/n! Where are you" I started to tear up but my face went red when I saw black feathers around it I thought to my self "this can't be! Mother Miranda took her!" No!

I called my daughters to search the whole place Cassandra asked "have you found her mother?"

"No! Mother Miranda took her" Cassandra tilted her head how did you know? "Look black feathers" that means only one thing

Time has passed and they haven't had a trace of you

Your countess was devastated and went to her room she shuts the door and warm tears was starting to fill her eyes "you can't die y/n show up!" She saw a portrait of you and hugged it

And flug her self to her bed and cried uncontrollably your countess didn't function for the whole day she was devastated and worried for you

The daughters noticed it and sighed

The night is pouring and still no trace of you your countess slept worrying all day

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