Chapter five

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You were confused of the swarm of flies you were thinking that "why would there swarm of flies here is there a nest or whatever here?" You looked at the swarm of flies with a confused look after the moment of confusion the flies transformed or became a human being you were shocked and even amazed

you suddenly asked yourself "how did they do that?"
The swarm of flies transformed into three female wearing a cloak and they have a gem stone on they're neck which makes yourself think they are interesting.

The first girl appeared she has blonde hair and has a red stone on her neck she said "well look sisters mother has something to feed us" with a chuckle her voice is like teasing but you just can't describe it?

There are still swarms of flies which made you confused because there is already a girl that transformed but is she not the only one? you asked yourself the blonde girl pulled out her sickle you said to yourself "oh my what is her sickle for like what the hell?"

The blonde girl said "you're tonight's main dish" you gulped and your starting to feel nervous
You saw you countess busy with her pouring her wine you guys made eye contact and your countess said "daughter stop teasing y/n! And introduce yourself" at a mad tone the blonde girl replied
"Of course mother"

Your countess said "well daughters I introduce y/n she is gonna be our new maiden and never hurt her if she doesn't made any mistakes" she said in a commanding tone

suddenly the swarm of flies transformed into two females you wondered are they the same age? Well the girls have green and yellow stones in their neck you said to yourself "is there a meaning to their gems?" Suddenly the three girls laughed and one of them said "aww a confused lamb here I see" one of the girls introduced themselves

"Hi these are my sisters Bela, Cassandra and the most strongest me im Daniela" she said with a chuckle

Cassandra replied "well im mothers favorite don't you think daniela?" Daniela rolled her eyes to Cassandra and suddenly Bela walked up to you and held your chin and said "now whats your name little one?" She said

You were stunned and said "oh i-im y/n well you can just call me y/n

With a chuckle bela said "cute aren't you?" She let go off your chin and your countess spoke "now now daughters lets see how special is y/n is" with laugh

You blushed a bit but its not time for blushing you said to yourself one wrong move im dead

Cassandra said "can't wait you to make a mistake
Y/n is that your name sorry I forgot" the other two girls laughed with her as they disappeared in the swarm of flies

When the three girls were dismissed your countess said well y/n let me show your room you felt your legs trembling from all of that experience and your countess noticed it but ignored it you guys walked outside the room your in and luckily The room your in was close to the guest room so you wont walk that much through the hallways

You and your countess entered the guest room and you were surprised its so big! Its bigger than your old room and its warm and comfy! You smiled a little because of happiness your countess noticed and she smiled when she saw your reaction your countess spoke "now y/n this is were your gonna stay and sleep for tonight this is gonna be your room darling"
You blushed a little because she called you darling

Before you even spoke she said "getting ungrateful aren't we?" You quickly replied "I apologize Alcina well thank you for the room" you said with joy she replied "now that's better" your countess left you for a while and she went to give you your uniform and a nightgown that's soft

Your countess suddenly popped up and said "now y/n this is your night gown and your uniform you will be starting your shift by tomorrow" you thanked her and you were smiling happily since you have a shelter now she returned a soft smile and said "well y/n what are you waiting for you need to some rest darling" you responded "of course" she left and clacking her heels as she walked down the stairs

You closed the door of your room and proceeded to get ready for the night you took a bath brushed your hair do you skincare and changed into your nightgown and suddenly you felt someone watching you but you just shrugged it off but you didn't know that you countess was watching you through the opening of your door since you didn't locked it.

You unpacked your things from your backpack and you came across your family portraits well you didn't forget anything you need to bring you placed your family portrait on beside the night lamp and yes your countess was still watching you do this you unpacked more of your things even your clothes you put them where you need them to put

Your countess didn't stop watching you until your asleep you suddenly chuckled when you unpacked your another bag and saw your vanilla perfume and other perfume you said to yourself "even the perfume oh my god I didn't knew I brought it too"

You saw the clock and its 1:00 am "oh wow its getting pretty late i should probably go to sleep"
You removed your favorite necklace that your parents gave you and put them beside the night lamp and went to sleep.

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