"I'm sorry," I say feeling Alycia's eyes on the side of my face.

"For what?" She asks and I shake my head.

"Dragging you into my mess," I chuckle a bit. Out of the corner of my eyes I see Alycia shake her head before I feel her hand on my arm. I tear my eyes from the door and down to her hand on my arm.

"You don't need to apologize for anything Y/N. It's understandable. You're going through something. We all go through something."

"But it shouldn't be involving you..." I pick up my head and lock my eyes with the girl's. Neither one of us dare to look away. All I can do is flick my eyes back and forth between her green eyes.

"But it does and that's okay-" Alycia pauses and I feel her squeeze my arm gently. "When I first met you at that park I wanted to know you, like really know you."

A small smile inches into my lips. "Guess that's changed now?"

Alycia shakes her head from side to side. "No, not at all. I still want to know you and I have been slowly."

I nod. "I don't let people in easily."

"I know. But you have been. You've told me some of your past. Told me about Daisy. I mean that's huge even if it may not feel like it."

I bite my lip and nod my head up and down slowly. Silence falls between us and I tear my eyes away finally. I look down to her hand on my arm and reach my opposite arm over, placing my hand on top of her's. That's when I look back up to her face and see her eyes glancing down to my hand.

"How's your hands feeling?" Alycia questions, her voice a whisper.

"They're fine. They're healing," I respond, my voice low as well. "Alycia?" The girl picks up her head and our eyes lock.

"Hm?" She hums.

"You never did tell me anything about your life. I mean I know I watch you, in a totally non creepy way, for a living but I don't really know you." Alycia's eyes flick between mine and she tilts her head nodding her head.

"I guess you're right. Hm..." She sinks her teeth into her bottom lip and looks away from me and around the room. I take my hand off of her's gently, letting my eyes linger on her as she thinks. "What do you want to know?"

I shrug. "I don't know. Everything I guess." Alycia picks her head up and a small smile inches to her lips. "What's your favorite color? Favorite Taylor Swift song? Your hopes? Your dreams? Your insecurities? Everything and anything about Alycia Debnam-Carey."

"Why would you want to know all that?" Curiosity fills Alycia's eyes.

"Because you're a human being. I'm a human being. We're stuck in a room together for god only knows how long. And I have this... feeling. This...voice telling me I should trust you. Let you in. Get to know you." I shift my eyes between Alycia's as she tilts her head before she nods and tears her hand from my arm.

"Whatever that feeling or voice is, I'm going to have to agree with it." A small smiles rises to both of our lips as Alycia moves a bit in her position. "My favorite Taylor Swift song? Im going to have to go with Begin Again..." A smile grows wider on my lips as Alycia begins to spit out random facts about herself. I look to her, letting my eyes linger letting her go on and on, just wanting to listen making mental notes with everything she's telling me.


Bright lights hang above me, swinging around. I blink repeatedly feeling sweat drip off of me. I couldn't breathe. Something was wrong. Something wasn't right. My eyes open and close and I can feel my chest tightening when I see a masked man and a gun in his hands.

𝕊𝕒𝕗𝕖 & 𝕊𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕 (𝔸𝕝𝕪𝕔𝕚𝕒 𝔻𝕖𝕓𝕟𝕒𝕞-ℂ𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕪 x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now