
February 2018

Jack sat down in his parents living room.

'By yourself today son?' Asked Kevin.

'I wanted to see Amy' Hollie said.

'Oh thanks for that, I'm supposed to be your favourite, just you remember that' he said hugging his little sister. 'Yeah I came by myself, I'm just looking for a bit of advice, and Hollie, this is secret business, okay?'

'Okay' she smiled.

'I'm going to do it properly, I'm going to ask her to marry me' he said proudly. 'I just need a bit of help from you in planning it all, it needs to be perfect'

'Oh Jack that's wonderful' gushed Karen. 'Does she have any idea?'

'I don't think so. I mean we've always said it would happen one day, but never when. I just feel like after the last year and a half, its the right time and I'm ready to make that commitment to her'

'Aww' said Hollie.

'So what have you got planned so far?' Asked Karen.

'Well I know I need to buy a ring' laughed Jack. 'I just don't want her getting wind of it. I want it to be a huge surprise, and now there's all these people with cameras following it's hard'

'Don't worry son, we'll help' said his Dad proudly.

'I think I'm going to cry' said Karen waving her hand in front of her teary eyes. 'honestly, we couldn't have picked anyone better for you.

'Yeah I just hope Lorna and Andy feel the same when I ask for their permission' Jack wasn't optimistic though, after their break Lorna had been exceptionally frosty with him, would she honestly be okay with her daughter marrying him? Only one way to find out.

'Hi, Lorna, it's me, Jack' his leg bounced nervously.

'Jack, what can I do for you?' she asked, still that edge of frostiness in her tone.

'Erm, right, well you see' he bumbled

'Spit it out'

'Right, okay. I'm phoning to ask for your permission to ask Amy to marry me.' He managed eventually. Lorna was silent for a moment and he began to sweat. What was he going to do if she said no.

'If you can promise me that she will never ever have to feel how she did when you split again. That you will love her and look after her for the rest of her life, then you can have my permission'

'I swear Lorna, I swear. I'd be nothing without her and this is my way of showing her that I do mean it's forever. All that stuff is behind us and she's my future'

'Stop it, you're going to make me cry' laughed Lorna. Finally Jack was redeeming himself. She'd always have one eye on him, he was planning on marrying her baby after all, but he could clearly see the girl he had in front of him all along.

Ironically Andy wasn't as easily convinced.

'No' he said firmly. 'You're both too young to settle down'

'But we love each other, I just want to make it official that it is forever. Please Andy'

'I just don't see what the rush is. Tell me she's not pregnant Jack! I swear if this is a shotgun proposal then I'll have you'

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