A new home?

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Bold=Narrator/Third Pov

Italic=thoughts, (italic) = character thoughts while in dialogue

Underline = Author's note/message

Standard = dialogue, (standard) while in dialogue is actions

Third Pov

The sun rises as another day begins in Japan, rising from a sleeping bag on the floor was Izuku. Yesterday marked the turning of a new leaf for him, one where he didn't know what to do with his life. But it was clear that to him his life was filled with nothing but him hoping to one day fulfil his dreams. There was nothing but a dream, now he just wanted to leave it all behind and move on. Getting up from the floor he began to roll up his green sleeping bag, he was staying at a small hotel. There was one final thing he needed to do before he left Musutafa.

5 minutes later he could be seen walking down the street passing by people on their way to work or just friends meeting up to hangout. Opening the door's to a small shop, Izuku rang the bell on the counter.

???: Just a minute there! (coming from the back)

Izuku looked around the small shop to see if there's anything that can help him. He was at a pawn shop, one which he went to along time to pawn off his hero memorabilia.

???: Hello there how can I help you? (walking to a small stool) Oh it's you the curly green haired kid! How's it been kid, what can I assist you with?

Izuku: Mr. Yamato, it's nice to see you again. I've come to sell off these merchandise (opening his bag he pulled out rare Allmight and Emerald attraction stuff). How much can I get for these (looking at the old man with a black face)?

Mr. Yamato: (The old man look's a bit shocked) Kid are you serious, I can't take this! They're worth a lot didn't I show you that we-

Izuku: (cutting off the Mr. Yamato) I'm sorry but I don't care if they're worth a million yen, I'd just like to get them out of my possession sir.

Mr. Yamato: Well sadly I don't have the money to give you for all of them. But I'll make you a deal one which I wouldn't break for the world. I'll give you the total for this Allmight limited edition figure, and the rest will be store credit for a pawn shop my friend owns in Gunma!

Izuku: That's fine with me.

Mr. Yamato: Alright kid give me a few seconds I need to come up with some paperwork, feel free to relax here.

Getting on a nearby stool, Izuku sat and waited for Mr. Yamato to write up what ever document was to be made. The radio nearby was talking about Emerald Attraction's recent rescue of a group of people in a collapsing office. Without a second thought he changed station's, not wanting a reminder of the truth he learned. Moments later while the local station played classic Japanese's music, Mr. Yamato walked out with a sealed envelope.

Mr. Yamato: Alright kid this letter is your proof that I picked you for the store credit! Now I'm going to tell you a important phrase as a password remember it well (beings to tell him). Now did you get that?

Izuku: Got it, would you have any sort of waterproof folder for important documents?

Mr. Yamato: Ah I do in fact here! (Gives him the folder)

Opening his bag he stored all his important documents in the folder including the sealed envelope and some cash to be safe. Zipping up his yellow backpack, and throwing on his back with his duffle bag he turned to Mr. Yamato.

Izuku: Well Mr. Yamato it was a pleasure doing business with you and thanks for everything (sticking out his hand)!

Mr. Yamato: Kid the honor was mine. (shaking the boy's hand and Izuku begins walking to the door, right before he steps out he calls him) And one more thing, wherever the road takes you (putting his hands together in a praying form) may you be blessed dear boy.

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