He was in the bathroom, I open the tab pulling some in my hand.

I'm sure he won't notice if a few are missing.

"I don't take them, bad for you body." He shouts back, I place the bottle back and stuff the pills in the pocket of my sweatpants.

"Yeah, tell me about it," I mumbled walking towards the window.

"Aren't you suppose to be in class?" He asked, walking towards me.

Right, the classes I've been trying to avoid.

"Aren't you supposed to be in bed, resting?" I shot back, cocking an eyebrow.

"Don't shut down on me." He says. I could hear the slight desperation in his voice.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I lied, walking past him slipping on my shoes.

"Cut the bullshit, you look like shit. Your skinnier you cut your fucking hair!" He shouted at me.

I shook my head walking towards the door.
"I'm fine." I lied.

"You need help!" He yelled, I stopped in my tracks looking at him.

"I don't need help! I j-just." I held back the desperate tears ready to fall.

"Never mind, I have to go to class. I'll call you later." I walked out of his room, ignoring emery sad eyes looking at me go.

I sat in the back seat of the car, my security guard Rowan drove me to campus. Ever since the shooting we've been under major protection.

Rowan has been my guard since I was seventeen. He's only twenty-eight and if he wasn't on the other team I would have sex with him.

I could have been sexy with a homeless bum and still be mentally and physically attach to Giovanni.

"We arrived ivory," Rowans says, my eyes drag across the campus.

I pulled out one of the Adderall Placing it on the tip of my tongue. My eyes locked with Rowan as he watched me through the mirror.

Swallowing the pill a sly smirk come to my lips. "Our little secret."

There are many little secrets Rowan knows.

I only have one class I need to be here for. And it's the class I wish I don't have to go to.

The class ready started, I walked in ignoring the silence that filled the rooms as if everyone stopped. Jesus Christ, please take fucking pictures.

I kept my head down sitting in my regular seat. The boys are right in front of me.

I felt Lydia nudge my side. "Are you okay?" She asked. Shouldn't she be worried about her friends that are trying to get into every man's pants?

"I'm fine, cherry as a pie." I grin, I pulled my focus to the front of the class.

I wanted to look at him. I force myself to look ahead focus on miles as he wrote on the board. Tossing me side glances every time he turns to the class.


I jotted down my notes for the class, I'm already failing philosophy I can't afford to fail Econ either.

Even though everything is starting to seem like an option, getting out of bed is starting to feel like a struggle.

I heard the door open to the class making it stop once again.

"Can I help you?" Miles asked, whoever walked in.

Small whispering happened, I still didn't lookup. I didn't want to, if I look up I'm gonna want to look at him.

"Ivory," Miles called me. Great, fucking great.

I look up meeting miles gaze ignoring the ones on me. I hate my life.


The motion for me to come down, I notice Rowan was in the class making me frown. What's up with this?

I walked down to them. Facing Rowan's uneasy stare.

As if the notes I received this morning didn't make me uneasy already.

"What's wrong?" I asked, miles shifted next to me.

"Your father called, it seems to be your mother passed away," Rowan whispers.

My heart stops for a second. I could see him speaking but, I couldn't form his words.

"Ivory, you may leave if you need to." Miles's voice comes to my ears. I blink at them both taking a step back.

"U-um, I'm fine." I stepped away, emotions filling around my stomach. As I turn around I meet his gaze.

Giovanni stares at me, worried. they all looked worried. I sat down in my seat in a daze.

Yet looking into his eyes after so long, I still fill those sparks and fireworks throughout my body. And as I force myself to look away, I felt... empty.

I wished it for so many years, for her death. And every time I did I'd cry. Because I felt bad to wish something like that on anyone.

She ruined my life, so why do I feel like this.

I'm watching pretty little liars

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I'm watching pretty little liars. And im so freaking tired.

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