Uninvited Visitor

Start from the beginning

Atsumu: "It's alright, Samu..."

Osamu: "No! no , it's not!" He looked at me. He was angry, but not at me. "You literally had nothing... Tsumu... you- -" I cupped his face, which was a little too hard, but it helped him snap out.

Atsumu: "We are not doing this... you have to stop blaming and hating yourself... you need to move on, because that's what I'm doing, and that's what I want for you as well... So, Samu... let's move on together..." I smiled at him and he hugged me.

Sakusa's POV

I was having a pleasant talk with Atsu's Dad, he told me stories about the twins' childhood and just saw a father who loves his sons so much. He showed me Atsu's baby pictures which I couldn't be any more grateful for. I didn't waste the opportunity and took a lot of photos of baby Atsu.

Mr. Miya: "Sakusa-kun... thank you..." I stopped taking pictures and looked at him, he had a gentle look with a soft smile, reminding me of Atsu's. "I really can't comprehend the things he's been through, and honestly... I don't want to know..." His smile disappeared. "I don't want to think of the hell my son has to go through just to survive just because I wasn't there for him..."

Sakusa: "Sir- -"

Mr. Miya: "Thank you for bringing Tsumu back to us..." He smiled, but I looked down.

Sakusa: "Sir... honestly, I was doubting myself if I should really let Atsu meet with Osamu again... I was scared of losing him... I was scared that he would lose himself again... As much as Atsu says that he's fine and doing okay, there is still a part of him that's broken that only time could heal, and there will always be a little part of him that will always remain damaged for the rest of his life... I love your son so much, Sir... and I would do anything for him... But I still can't forgive Osamu for what he did... but I'm giving him a chance to redeem himself because that's what Atsu wants..."

Mr. Miya: "Don't worry... I perfectly understand..."

Sakusa: "Atsu's terrified of the dark, he can't sleep without a nightlight... He developed a fear of lightning and thunder because he saw a tree getting hit; splitting it in half just a few feet away from him when he was sleeping under a bench park. Atsu would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night, screaming and crying like someone's beating the life out of him, an- - and it's just so heartbreaking... when he's getting hurt and yet he's the one apologizing." I was holding my own hand, trying to keep myself from getting angry or sad while recalling those nights. "Atsu's still suffering... and it hurts me so much when I can't do anything even though he's in my embrace..." I looked at Mr. Miya, I was tearing up and he was looking down and covering his eyes with his fingers. "Sir... If you or Osamu ever hurt Atsu in any way, I will not hesitate to take him away..."

Mr. Miya: "Thank you..." He looked at me crying but he looked happy and relieved. I was caught off guard, I thought he would get a little upset or angry with what I said. "Please... never get tired of loving my son..." I relaxed and smiled at him and nodded. "Oh, and you don't have to call me Sir... you're practically a son in law to me at this point..." We chuckled. "Just call me Dad as well." 

Sakusa: "Thank you for accepting as part of the family... Dad..." I felt a little awkward, but it was nice and he laughed. 

We continued talking, he told me how he and Osamu would always watch our matches just to see Atsu, they would always scream and cheer their hearts out. Then I noticed that Atsu and Osamu weren't in the kitchen anymore.
I heard feet walking down the stairs and saw the twins.

Sakusa: "Hey..." I smiled at Atsu, he looked happy. "Ready to go???" I opened my arms and Atsu started walking towards me.

Mr. Miya: "You're going already?" He looked at Atsu who was sitting on my lap as I embraced him, like a sad puppy. Atsu chuckled at his Dad.

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