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Donghyuck stares at his house as he walks away from it. Today's the day the he'll finally move away and start his college journey. Sure it was sad, but he's just so happy to finally live without his parent to mourn over it. He giggles and settles himself on the passenger's seat and placed his bag on the back seat as he waits for his dad to finally start the car.

All the way there kept on humming and singing familiar songs in his ears and imagining the things that awaits for him. New friends, new dorm, new school, new uniform and maybe, new love?

He guesses it's about time to finally move on from his ex and start a new. One of the reasons why he insisted to move away from his hometown. Another one was to start being independent. Even in his immature appearance, he really thinks about his future.

After two, or almost three hours, they finally reached their destination. It was a tiring ride but hell, it was worth it. He excitedly jumps off the car and rummage his father's trunk to carry the boxes.

"You're too excited, don't you think?" His father grins and ruffles his hair.

He pouted. "Yeah."

"Dad?" His father hums as he removes the remaning things on his trunk to put it aside.

"I'm going to miss you!" He huffs. The old man raised his eyebrow at his son and grinned. "You want something, don't you?"

He snorts. "What?" It made his father laugh his heart out. "No! I was being affectionate but then you had to ruin it. Oh my god, I'm never saying that again!"

His father grinned even widely at his sudden sulky tone. "Fine, fine. How about we lift your things up so we can hang out for a bit?"

Donghyuck nods cutely and starts knocking the house that he's about to live in. One young lady and another old lady who has pretty much the same features as the young one appeared in his sight, smiling softly.

"Hi, are you Lee Donghyuck?" The old lady said. Donghyuck nodded and didn't say a word. The young lady huffs at his attitude and Donghyuck did not fail to catch it.

His father clears his throat and smiled at the ladies. "Hi, my son is renting the alienated room at the very far end? His name written in the application is Lee Donghyuck."

The lady nods curtly and let both of them in. Donghyuck smiled and walks his way down to the long hallway up to the very far end, he finally stops when he noticed a signage and written on it was his name.

"Is this it?"

The younger nodded. "Yes. It's a room for one. I hope you like it." The she gave him the key to it.

Donghyuck inserts and twists it a bit to open the doorknob and his eyes fell twinkles at the sight.

In it was a few tables, he supposes it was for dinning, studying and coffee table. Then the other side was his bed at the right corner. A small couch was on the side beside the door and a bathroom facing it. He thinks he has to rearrange it but he's happy he's finally get to see it.

"It's not bad." He muttered and placed the box on one table.

"Enjoy your stay!" The old lady says sweetly and the ladies both left to give some privacy for them.

"Do you like it?" His father asked and puts his other boxes on the side.

He nods. "Of course. I'll just do some polishing and i'll be okay." 

"Hey, Donghyuck?" The old man uttered. Donghyuck turns his head to face the other.

The man clears his throat and rubs his nape. "Do you remember Lee Minhyung? The one who found you on the pig's—"

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