c31: leaving

62 12 20

❝She wasn’t looking
for a knight,
she was looking
for a sword.❞




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Waking up to loud banging on my door could surely leave me in a shitty mood for the rest of the day.

I wished it would stop and leave me alone after a while of me ignoring it, but it never ceased. The knocker was ill-mannered. What was so critical to interrupt people’s rest and brush off their ignorance?

I quickly fixed my looks and combed my tangled hair with my fingers. It was eleven in the noon. How did I sleep that much?

I could see Emily from the peephole with her face smudged up with makeup. I blinked a million times at the screen. It was her, looking horrible as she cried on my door.

She knew. She for sure knew at that point, and surprisingly, I wasn’t as afraid as I expected myself to be to face her. We were finally going to put an end for the trivia. I was aware I did huge mistakes, but she also made some. I was ready to apologise and compensate myself, and I expected the same back from all parties of the problem. I was as much as a victim as her. Blake fooled both of us and had sick fun doing it.

I opened the door slowly, not expecting anything exact. However, my doubts were answered once I faced her, and she slapped me with great force I almost fell.

I held my face and glared at her. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!”

She mirrored my glare through her smudged eyes. She held up a hand to point at me and pin me guilty. “What is wrong with you! I thought you were nice—I thought we were friends, you—you whore!”

That was my limit. After all that I went through, getting fooled and taken advantage of by men, tolerating her boyfriend, no one, no fucking one got to call me a whore. I made mistakes, but I didn’t choose to start the mess. I didn’t even let him touch me as far as he did to her.

“I am not a whore,” I started, hoping to intimidate her with my confident tone, a contrast to her shaky figure. “You can’t be serious with blaming me only. Judging by the way you’re acting, you don’t know he was the one to come after me and planning to leave you, do you?”

I regretted my words once they left my lips, seeing how affected she was. She held her hands over her chest, trying to stop herself from wailing. I understood she was going through a huge shock, but she also needed to realise where each of us stood. I hoped she wasn’t as enchanted by Blake as she was with Noah to do ugly things like back in the days.

Shortly after, Blake was rushing to us. My stomach did a backflip, and my heart pumped faster. I did not want to see him.

After giving a quick glance, he turned the girl to face him and held her shoulders. “Emily, stop. Talk to me, not Cassandra first.”

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