c05: going

104 33 31

❝Silly girl,
your different
was your beautiful
all along.❞




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Noah deserved to be called more than annoying.

Ever since I told him about Blake's invitation, he wouldn't shut up his question. He called and was acting like an overprotective father.

"Again, Cassie, are you sure it's a good idea to go out with a customer of ours?" he repeated a question he had asked at least ten times.

"What could go wrong from just hanging out with someone? He's a person, not just a customer at the café," I tried to reason. "Besides... I've had my therapy already, Noah." I bit my lip.

"I'm not sure you're ready—"

I wasn't entertained enough to hear him ramble about the same topics. I mumbled a quick 'I'm in a hurry' with a humourless smile and hung up.

I gave my look a final once over in the wall-long mirror. I sported a Charleston pair of jeans and a honey-brown coloured t-shirt I tucked inside the waistband. It matched my eye colour and made it clearer. My chestnut waves of hair were loosely tied to my back, leaving it free to leave my tie and hang beside my face sometimes. I slapped some sunblock on my pale skin and rubbed some lip balm on my lips in a hurry. I looked presentable at least, I believed.

I opened the door to take my way out. Perhaps I looked visibly annoyed, but I was looking forward to a good day to change that.

'on my way,' I texted Blake in a rush.

As he attended the same café I worked for, he actually lived close by as well, but I didn't know where exactly. I could tell from his car-free invitation to a park he claimed was a walking distance from where he lived. The said park was close to me too.

I didn't bother to check what he replied since I liked to enjoy my walks and focus on my surroundings. I witnessed the afternoon sky turn into a warmer hue of orange, the birds flying back to their homes and the streets less crowded with vehicles. The beautiful setting wasn't exactly the right match for my thoughts, however.

"Why would he tell me that over a text seconds after he was in front of me?" I mumbled to myself, kicking a small pebble with my feet as I walked.

Maybe he feared rejection like when he gave me his number too. It got me wondering, how would it go like if I actually rejected it, what kind of anxious guy he was to fear rejection that much. I shrugged, not putting much thought into it as it didn't seem to deserve my time anyway.

I entered the park's gate, and my eyes immediately roamed the place for a trace of him. The park was almost empty at that time of the day as parents preferred their kids to play during the daylight. However, some couples still occupied benches, and some picnics were still taking place under the huge, shielding trees. The paved route for walkers was as inviting as ever.

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