c04: trying

106 35 23

❝She was too busy wishing
on shooting stars
to see the dreams
come true around her.❞



TRYING しようとしています

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It had been a while since a man took that much space in my thoughts.

The next morning, I couldn't hide I was a little more excited than usual to work. At exactly seven in the morning, my apron was on, and I was already in my station. I thought well about which drink was sweeter but not too sweet, a little less caffeinated but enough to make him go through the day, and finally colder for a scorching California sun.

I didn't want anything from the menu. As risky as it might've sounded, I wanted to make a customised drink that wasn't too far yet too similar to pitch-black coffee.

I knew he usually arrived at 7:30. That day, he took a stool right behind the cashier counter. That was the closest he had ever been to me while I worked. When I finally finished what I thought was the right mix of all, I proudly served it to him.

"I'm hoping you'll like it," I said with a small smile as I popped in the transparent straw.

He smiled back. "I'm open for change."

I watched the liquid rise up through the straw with tight knuckles. I didn't know why I was too worked up over a customer trying a drink I made after months of making countless drinks, but I was.

"Too sweet," was all he said. I didn't want to admit I saw him cringe a little too...

I didn't even try to hide my disappointment. "There's barely a spoon of sugar in there..."

He looked up at me, a little frown of apology etched on his face. "Cassandra, I don't even remember the last time I had a sweetened drink..."

It felt as if he was as surprised as me at his statement. I heard of people despising sweets... but to the limit of not remembering how it tasted? Not sure about that. I didn't like sweets myself either, but a sweet treat from time to time was nice.

I pretended to get myself busy wiping the shiny counter. "Well, all I can say is I'll try better next time."

"But I'll finish it. I don't like it, but I don't hate it either." He smiled wide enough to show me his teeth.

I giggled and looked up at him. "You don't have to."

"Well, too late." He was already sipping more and more. "I'll get going now, though. Don't wanna be late for work."

It hit me then I didn't know what his occupation or major were, neither did he give the aura of a certain work title.

I raised an eyebrow. "Which is?"

He smiled proudly. "Something that has to do with art."

He got off the little seat and attempted what seemed like getting his wallet out, but I was quick to shake my head.

"No need," I said.

He gave me an incredulous look. "Are you sure?"

I nodded. He didn't insist any further. He simply flashed me his lovely smile and mumbled a 'thanks'.

I watched his figure slowly get smaller till the way out of the café. Seconds before I couldn't recognise his figure anymore, I watched him fish his phone out, then my phone dinged.

'wanna hang out sometime later?'

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