Chapter 18

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"God, Xavier," Leo moaned.

Xavier pushed into him roughly.

"Fuck", Leo hissed.

"Scream my name baby", Xavier muttered into his ear.

Leo  let out a shaky breath barely able to concentrate.

"And now push your partner a little to the left", Joan instructed.

"I can't believe we came back here", Leo muttered.

"We have to pay our respects to Joan for her inventive foreplay", Xavier laughed.

"Ew that's disgusting Xavier! I thought we came to do some cute couples yoga!"

"Don't tell me you're not a little turned on right now", Xavier spoke into his ear.

I eyed Joan's sweaty body. "Nope. Not even a little bit."

"And now, lie flat on your back. Bend your right knee and raise your left leg. Your partner should put the leg on their shoulder and push forwards."

"This is literally a sex position", Leo muttered horrified. "I forgot how messed up this place is."

"It feels wrong to do this in a room full of people", Xavier agreed.

"Should we make a run for it?"

"Let's get the fuck out of here", Xavier muttered in relief.

And with that they made their hasty exit.

"What do you think about going on a trip?" Xavier asked.

They were walking back to Xavier's place from Yotopia, their hands carelessly intertwined. "To where?"

"Wherever", he shrugged.

"Bali!" Leo exclaimed.

Xavier looked at Leo like he was crazy. "Where are you going to find that kind of money?"

Leo smiled wickedly and winked.

Xavier snorted and pushed his shoulder. "Leo, you are not renting out your body to fund our trip to Bali. How about Wales?"

Leo pictured a small cabin with just him and Xavier and the Welsh countryside. "You know what? Let's go to Wales", Leo agreed eventually.

The sun was setting on the river turning the water to gold. Xavier smiled and squeezed his hand, pulling Leo into him. Leo pressed his lips against Xavier's and let their bodies meld together. It was one of those perfect moments. The kind that makes your heart thud a little harder and your head spin. It was the kind of moment that made Leo realise that maybe he was a little in love with Xavier.


"This is trespass", Leo said, eyeing the 'Employees Only' sign on the boathouse.

Xavier pulled him by the hand, his breathless excitement contagious. "Do you trust me?"

Leo rolled his eyes but couldn't hide his grin. "Pretty sure my trust in you is irrelevant to breaking the law."

Xavier kissed him and Leo wrapped himself around him, hands finding his hair and tugging the way he liked. "Fine", Leo relented as they broke away for air.

Xavier grinned widely. "Seriously?"

Leo traced his swollen lips with his finger. "Are you going to stand around all day or open the door?"

Xavier pressed his lips to Leo's fervently and fumbled with the door a moment before he opened it and they stumbled inside.

"Everytime I kiss you, I want you more", he said breathlessly.

"You're going to make me vomit", Leo warned but he couldn't hide his smile.

"Go lock the door", he urged.

"Done", Leo breathed as he bit at his neck.

"Fuck", Xavier hissed, grabbing Leo by the ass and pulling him closer.

"So should we do it on the kayak or the pedal boat?"

Xavier moaned between kisses and pushed Leo's shirt up desperately searching for skin. He sat back on the pedal boat and pulled Leo down to him.

They were both breathing heavily between their kisses which were growing sloppier by the second. Leo ground on him needily, searching for friction. Xavier growled and bit at his neck. Leo's jeans tightened uncomfortably and he guided Xavier's hands to the button.

Xavier laughed into his neck and pulled back. "Eager."

Leo whined and worked on pulling his jeans down.


"Fuck. We're so good at that."

Leo laughed. "I didn't know the boat was going to rock so much."

Xavier pressed his lips to Leo's forehead. "We should try the kayak out next."

Leo eyed the small boat and bit his lip. "We could make it work."

"We should steal one, take it out to the lake at night and - "

"Technically, it wouldn't be theft if we planned on returning it." Leo smirked.

Xavier's eyes widened. "I think I might be in love with you."

Leo's breath hitched. "Say it again."

Xavier pulled him closer. "I love you", he whispered, brushing hair away from Leo's forehead. "It was almost impossible for me not to fall in love with you."

Leo shook his head and pushed him lightly. "You're lying."

Xavier held him tighter. "I'm not. You know, there were so many moments when I had the urge to kiss you or take you in my arms like this. I would brush it off and tell myself I was just projecting what I wanted to do with your brother onto you.

But then when I was on that date I finally realised - it wasn't me projecting. I wanted to do those things with you. It was you that I wanted all along.

And you had been so selfless, so brave, you put it all on the line for me and, even when I rejected you, you still asked your brother to go on a date with me. I - I left before the food even arrived. I'm so sorry I put you through that."

Leo looked away in shame. He was placing him on a pedestal but he didn't know the horrible things Leo had thought about his brother. "You're wrong. I'm not selfless. I'm selfish and jealous and I wanted you all to myself."

Xavier chuckled and slid his thumbs under his chin so Leo was looking at him. "Yeah, maybe you were jealous but it never came in the way of how much you loved Liam or how far you would go to make him happy. I don't think you realise how amazing you are."

Leo stared at him with wide eyes for a moment. "I love you", he whispered finally, bumping his nose against Xavier's gently.

Xavier smiled, the kind of smile that had made Leo fall for him, and pressed his lips against Leo's. Xavier's kisses had never tasted so sweet. Something warm pooled in Leo's gut and he pressed against Xavier. He wanted him closer and closer still.

"Xavier Clare Reggazaci, I think we should make love in that kayak."

And so they did.

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