Chapter 14

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Leo was watching Love Rosie while eating chocolate and drinking wine when his phone rang. He paused with a huff and answered his heartbeat picking up when he spotted Xavier's name.

"Liam. Tell Leo to pick up my phone."

Leo sighed. So he was drunk. "Xavier, this is Leo."

"Leo!" Xavier exclaimed happily. "Leo you answered! I've been calling you all night!"

He had not.

"Is everything all right?" Leo enquired staring longingly at Sam Claflin.

"Leo, I think I'm a bit - I had a bit too much to drink. And also I'm a bit high. I can't be bothered to go home."

"Do you want me to get Liam to drive you home?" Leo offered.

"No!" Xavier exclaimed, "No", he repeated more calmly. "I don't want him to see me like this."

Leo sighed. "I'll come get you, send me your location."

"I'm - I'm actually outside your place", Xavier admitted sheepishly.

"I'll be down in 5 minutes." Leo couldn't even pretend to be annoyed.


"Come on. Let's get you to bed." Leo heaved Xavier onto the single bed and scanned his small dorm room. He had not exactly thought this through.

"I guess I'll take the floor?" Leo asked aloud.

"Don't be ridiculous", Xavier exclaimed.

Leo eyed the stain on the floor and sighed. He's so going to kill me for this tomorrow. "All right. Move over."

Xavier smiled. And fumbled with his shirt as he pulled it over his head. Leo's mouth went dry. This he had not thought of when he had made his decision.

Xavier started unbuttoning his jeans and Leo spun around desperately trying not to be a creeper.

Leo rummaged through his sweatpants as though they were the most interesting things on the planet.

"These are Liam's so they'll probably fit." He turned to toss him the sweatpants but his aim went haywire when he saw how Xavier was sprawled across his sheets.

"You missed", he drawled.

He was propped up on his elbows, his legs a little spread, right knee bent. Surely Xavier knew what he was doing to him?

"I'm athletically challenged?" Leo offered. But he could barely think.

Xavier moved slowly, languorously, every inch of his body complicit in the seduction as he rose from the bed and bent over to pick up the sweatpants. He stayed bent over like that a moment too long and looked up at Leo. Leo averted his eyes. Fuck. Was it always this hot in here?

"So, do you usually sleep in jeans?" He asked eventually, voice a little too low and rough.

Leo felt the ridiculous urge to make Xavier as flustered as he made him feel. Leo looked up at him through his eyelashes and shook his head innocently.

Leo stepped forward. They were close enough that he could feel the heat of Xavier's body. Xavier looked confused. Leo reached out and took his hands.

"Leo what are - "

"Help me out of my shirt."

Xavier didn't seem to think that was a weird request and Leo wondered just how high he was right now. Xavier allowed Leo's hands to slowly guide him, his fingers leaving a blazing trail as they slowly dragged over Leo's skin pushing his shirt up and up until he removed it.

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