Chapter 15

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They were at a party Xavier's friend had invited him to. Leo had been dragged along after Liam had cancelled. Of course, he had not had it in him to turn Xavier down.

They were sat on a couch, bobbing their heads to the music and sorely aware that they were not inebriated enough to enjoy the EDM tracks.

Jesus, he needed to get laid. This whole Xavier thing was messing with his head. Leo admired a dark haired figure standing by the kitchen island. He was hot. Leo took a long gulp. Maybe he could be his distraction of the night.

But then the figure turned around and Leo nearly spit out his drink.

"Fuck", Leo hissed to Xavier.

Xavier who had been lazily scrolling on his phone looked up. "Everything all right?"

"Fuck." Why did it feel like someone had removed all the oxygen from this room?

"Leo? Are you feeling okay?" Xavier looked slightly concerned.

Leo felt like his heart was about to collapse in on itself. "Max is here."

Xavier finally put the phone down and looked around with interest. "He is? Where?"

Leo took a long drink. "The dark haired guy by the island."

Xavier whistled. "That guy? He's hot."

Leo glared at Xavier. He needed to get out of here.

Xavier had the decency to look guilty and put his hands up in truce. "Right. Sorry. Way out of line."

"I can't believe he's here", Leo muttered into his cup.

"When was the last time you saw him?"

"Nearly a year ago." Leo took a deep breath. I'll be fine, everything will be fine. Leo just needed to make sure that Max didn't see him.

"Xavier?" Leo asked, desperately trying to ground himself.


"Can you go get me a drink?"

Xavier smirked. "I'll make it strong."

Leo hoped to god Xavier made it strong. Maybe he could lace it with some ecstasy - anything so that he could feel something other than the growing dread inside him.

Leo's heart was in his throat, he felt like he was about to throw up. He had the urge to forget about the drink and leave now while he could.

Don: My friend

Me: The answer is still no.

Don: you bore me sometimes

Me: so
Max is here

Don: 🔪🔪
What is your current location

Me: i want no part in your murder
But I will call you if I require your services

Don: I take cash only

Leo looked up from his phone and to his horror he found Max stalking towards him. Surely he wasn't coming towards him. Leo gripped his phone tightly so his hands wouldn't tremble.


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

"Max." Leo said blankly.

"It's been a while." Max flashed Leo his smile and Leo remembered all of a sudden why it had been so easy for Max to deceive him before.

Leo swallowed hard. "It has."

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