Chapter 3

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"Don. Don. Donoghue."

Don's head snapped towards Leo.

Don glared at Leo - a warning and promise of future pain - for using his full name as he swaggered his way over to Leo. The anger didn't last long, Don was quick to forget and forgive. A toothy grin spread across his face. "Ask me how my night was last night."

Leo sighed. "I'm guessing you successfully wooed Tara back to your place last night?"

Don grinned at Leo. "I did indeed. Ask me how many times I made her come."

"No", Leo refused blankly.

"Come on Leo", he whined, "the miracle of the female orgasm. Surely you must be curious."

"I am not", Leo confirmed.

Don grinned like a maniac. "Come on, ask me."


"Come on Leo."

Leo sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "How many - "

"Three", he blurted excitedly, "three consecutive orgasms."

"Congratulations?" Leo offered.

"Thank you", he accepted proudly. "So how bad was I last night?"

"Not too bad. You did your Victorian English thing again."

"Ah yes. A classic. I also vividly remember inviting you back to my room for a threesome."

Leo politely declined to engage. It was best not to get him started on the topic of threesomes.

"And how did your night end last night?" Don continued, undeterred by Leo's silence, eyeing his soggy sandwich with chagrin.

Hands on his hips, lips on his neck, legs tangled in sheets. Leo blushed profusely and coughed into his hand as the events of night before flashed through his mind, cast in a shameful light now that it was day.

Don levelled Leo with a piercing stare that said, you will tell me your drama or else I will commit a crime and frame you, you will go to jail, after a long legal battle, and you'll be unemployed when you leave, a social outcast with no friends, no family left that cares about you and -

Leo smirked and caved to Don's threats. "I got fucked by this really hot guy."

"Your ability to oscillate between embarrassment and shameless confidence is fascinating."

"I have many layers", Leo said pompously.

"Like an onion", Don agreed, nodding his head sagely. "How good was he in bed?" Our improved scale of 1-15 was, of course, implied.

"A 12 or 13."

"A 12.5! What a time you must have had."

Leo bit his lip and tried not to think of the things they had done. Leo received a sharp slap to the head.

"None of that here!"

"None of what?" Leo asked innocently.

"None of your dirty thoughts! We are at table Leonard."

Leo rolled his eyes.

"So are you going to see him again?"

You don't look alike. "Probably not", Leo said after a moment.

"One of those ones." Don nodded with understanding.

"One of those ones", Leo concurred.

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