Chapter 5

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A few days passed and Leo found himself on his brother's couch, next to Xavier. Despite his promises to help Xavier, he had been dead set on avoiding Xavier, so really this was not the best of situations for him to be in.

Luckily though, Leo had a real talent for ignoring people so he was making the best of it, you know, making lemon juice out of life's lemons and all that.

"Where's your brother?"

Leo ignored Xavier and hummed as he rearranged a spotify playlist.

"Are you ignoring me?" Xavier demanded.

I think it needs a bit more gravitas, Leo thought to himself. Maybe some rock? Maybe some Rolling Stones? 

"You're ignoring me!" Xavier accused.

No, not Rolling Stones, that doesn't fit. Maybe some Dire Straits? Hmm yeah, that would fit very nicely, Leo thought with a pleased smile. His phone buzzed and Leo grinned as Don's name flashed up on his screen.

Don: We r pre-ing at Lea's before we go out. Come.

Me: i wish but I promised Liam I would have dinner with him
Funny he never mentioned Xavier was coming

Don: what a sly manoeuvre

Me: Liam's a little bitch

Don: what a crafty endeavour

Me: you're already drunk aren't you

Don: what a foxy purpose


Leo sighed wistfully imagining an alternate universe where he never had to tolerate Xavier's presence. "What?" he snapped, irritation coursing through him.

"Why are you here?" Xavier demanded.

"Trust me I have better things to do," Leo replied a little peeved that he was missing even a single moment of drunken Don.

"So don't be here," Xavier glowered at Leo from across the couch.

"You're dumber than I thought if you think I happily went along with this."

"You're supposed to be helping, not crashing my dates!"

Leo laughed humourlessly. "Don't be so desperate, it's not hot."

"What's not hot?" Liam's voice cut through as he entered the living room.

"Xavier's desperation," Leo said loudly at the same time that Xavier said, "Leo's face."

They glared at each other. Leo imagined slowly strangling him.

"Shit", Liam hissed.

Leo raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Do you guys mind making a quick detour before we grab dinner?"

Like the lapdog he was, Xavier smiled sickeningly. "Sounds good."

Leo stood up, dusting off imaginary dust. "Sounds wonderful but I'm actually not sure if I can make it to dinner after all I -"

Liam grabbed Leo by the wrist. "You are coming", he hissed in Leo's ear.

"Why?" Leo hissed back, teeth gritted as he glared at Xavier over Liam's shoulder.

"I don't want it to seem like a date", Liam whispered urgently.

"Fine," Leo whispered back. Leo smirked at Xavier when Liam turned his back. He doesn't want you, Leo mouthed.

Xavier glared. Leo imagined slowly strangling him.

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