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It's already been 2 years since Eun Woo's death and it really gave Y/N a big impact. But now Y/N already moved on but not fully yet.. every year she would visit the dandelion and the daisy field, which is her parents and Eunwoo's favorite places. What happened to Younghoon?.. 

Last Year.. Y/N successfully killed him while having a war with him at his mansion. but the war leave the biggest scar Y/N ever had. She got stabbed multiple time near her rib cage but thankfully Irene came at the right time and brought her to the hospital where Yoongi's mother works at. And of course because of that the boys and the girls got to know about the incident and felt worried about her.. Even so, Y/N still asked them to stay away from her since she doesn't want to have any relationship with them at the moment. 

The news about Younghoon's death has shook the whole world. And now Y/N holding the biggest Mafia Queen title to the whole world. She is now the first most wanted Mafia around the world. She is the most powerful mafia in Korea and the whole world. The whole Korean city was afraid of her. Y/N still doing her job as The Mafia Queen which is Killing, saving and torturing people.. but NO innocent people involved. She never killed any innocent people nor hurt them intentionally. Even so, people still scared off her.

Aside from her, the boys and the girls was now a worldwide Idol stars after they are graduated. So as the half of the school.. The other half was now an actor, a model and many more. The boys still Known as BTS or Bulletproof Boys Scouts. and The girls was now not The Midnight anymore.. They was now called BLACKPINK. The whole world now about them and they have tons of fans who called themselves as ARMY & BLINK.

 Their fans really loved and cherish them. They all are supporting but they always get crowded by Sasaengs fans. A lot of them trying to take advantage and even hurt them at the moment. But fortunately they have a really strong bodyguards. and want to know somethings? All of their bodyguards was secretly sent by Y/N for a more solid protection. None of the boys or girls know about this even though they used to work with them but eventually all of them doesn't remember it and that was a really good thing. 

The boys and the girls still dying to meet Y/N once again. They've been missing Y/N so much especially Rose and the girls. After the whole school graduated, half of the students is dying to meet Y/N too.. They wanted to thanks her for saving their life (referred chapter 10 & 11). but they only got to saw her from afar if she was having a war at public, so as BLACKPINK and BTS. A lot of Idol that Y/N saved at that day... mentioned her in their interview hoping that she watch the interview and receive their messages.

But little that they know Y/N actually watch it and somehow it makes her smile. The girls and The boys also do it. Every time the interviewer asked them about story of their life before becoming a successful worldwide Idol.. They will always mentioned about Y/N.. but never mentioned her title or her full name. They always addressed her as a "special girl", so as the other Idol. It sometimes makes their fans felt curious about this "special girl" but still keep quiet and felt thankful to the "special girl" because saving their life.



STAFF: We have 10 minutes more! *shouting to let all the stylist, makeup artist and hairstylist to stop their work*

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