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JIMIN: What is it, Kook? *rush to me and take the phone*

As soon as he take the phone, His expression changed and a slight gasp came out of his mouth. After that, Jennie Noona, Jisoo Noona and Lisa check their own phone and slightly gasped too. I saw Lisa at the verge of crying after reading it, so I quickly goes to her and hug her while she just burst out at my shoulder. same goes to Jisoo and Jennie Noona. They burst into crying too, but not because She leaves them.. but it's because they already missed her.. Y/N... The other Hyungs already read the message and cannot do anything else than comforting them... So am I.. Lisa and Rose is the worst out of 4 of them. I can see how much they love Y/N.. but I don't know why.. I can see Jimin Hyung is feeling guilty, So as the other Hyung except for V hyung since he doesn't say anything to Y/N but still comforting her sister, Jennie Noona.

 After a good minutes of crying and comforting.. Finally they all are relaxed a bit. Jin Hyung asked me to take some water so I did. As soon as I came.. Jin Hyung, Jimin Hyung and Taehyung take the glass and offered it to the girls.. While I take the glass and gave it to Lisa. They all gulped it in one go and then, silence fill the air until Rose decided to break the silence.

ROSE: What did you said to Y-Y/N U-unnie? *looking at Me and the other Hyungs with teary eyes*

JIMIN: Just please promise me to hear us first and don't get mad.

ROSE: Okay.. I promise but please tell me every single thing that happened at the factory while I am not there... *soft voice*

RM: Yea, sure..


I became more curious as they look hesitate to tell me but I reassured them to tell me and finally they're ready to tell me. Of course I will not mad because as Y/N Unnie wrote, that it was not their fault. but I still doesn't believe that Y/N Unnie used us.. She will never do that.. She said that because one of the boys said so.. She loves us.. plus we are the one who volunteered to enter her team. All of sudden, Namjoon Hyung take a deep breath which is mean that he was ready to tell me everything.

RM: *take a deep breath* (tell everything, with detail)

I was now in shocked, that there's no word form from my mouth. They actually said that? and Y/N Unnie threatening Jin Oppa?

ROSE: She did that to you? *look at Jin Oppa*

JIN: *look at others then slowly nodded* but I know she must just upset.. 

ROSE: And All of you said that except for Tae Oppa.

BTS except V: *nodded* we're sorry *whispering*

ROSE: It's fine.. I know you are just worried about me.. 

JIMIN: But if its not because of us.. You must still one of the most wanted mafia in the whole world-

ROSE: It's okay.. Plus Y/N Unnie already told us that it's not your fault.. It's was her choice to fly solo..

SUGA: Don't you sad? 

ROSE: It's lie for me if I said that we're not sad.. of course we are but still we can't do anything.. She decided it... and we can't objected.

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