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I was really shock by what she just said.. She want me to keep this thing as a secret?? I can't do that.. I don't like to keep any secret from Unnie especially Y/N Unnie.. She will kill me if she find out the truth.. Its fine if she want me to only keep secrets but she ask me to lie too.. How in the world am I going to do that.. Last time I lied, She turns into a monster.. if glaring can kill people, I guess I already dead.. Her death glaring never leave my figure its really nerve-racking and now she wants me to lied to Y/N Unnie? I am so dead..

LISA: But Unnie-

ROSE: *cut her* Lisa please.. I'm begging you please.. 

LISA: but Unnie you know what happen last time to me right? I don't want to do the same mistakes.. Please don't make me lied to Unnie especially Y/N Unnie..

ROSE: Please Lisa..*begging her*

LISA: At least let me tell the truth to Jisoo and Jennie Unnie also the other Oppa.. I can't  face Y/N's Unnie anger alone..

ROSE: Sure just please promise me that you and unnie won't tell Y/N Unnie..

LISA: I will not *locking her pinky with Rose's* but I don't know about the other Unnies..

ROSE: Thank you so much Lisa.. Please don't break the promise..

LISA: I won't okay..? Now lets go to Unnies and Oppas.. *wiping Rose's dry tears that stains at her face*


They're in their way to cafeteria but little did they know that actually Jisoo, Jennie and the whole BTS member is searching them for the past 15 minutes..
Now back to Lisa Pov


We were walking until we hear some voices calling us 

JENSOO: Lisa !! *running to me*

JIMIN: Rose!! *running to her*

LISA: Unnie..*waving them*

ROSE: Oppa *whispering*

JISOO: Oh my god.. Where did both of you go? 

LISA: *looking at Rose*

JIMIN: Hey why are you looking so pale? did you just cry? what happened? Where did you go? *checking her if she has any wound or scars*

ROSE: Oppa~ im fine *smiling sadly*

JIMIN : You doesn't even look like you fine..

LISA: Unnie?..* walking to Rose*.. We want to tell you something..*looking at Jennie and Jisoo*

JENSOO: *curious* go on

LISA: Not here.. Lets go to the rooftop..

JENSOO: Lets go then..

BTS : We'll come too

ROSE: No oppa.. You stay here with the others-

Popular Boys meets The Mafia Queen's TeamWhere stories live. Discover now