Rescuing aaarrrggghhh

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Jim point of view

Speak to Claire, Mary, Darcy, Blinky, Toby, aja, angor , Dixie and Archie: So we're all clear on the plan

Toby explained: Claire uses her shadow staff and my wing man as an emotional wanker we find out where the demigods have been hiding rescue our friend and then come up with a better plan to take them down once we know where they're hiding.

I nodded my head, it's been a couple of weeks since we defeated Marando and we have still had no idea where our missing friend was. We've been contemplating and searching for weeks eventually we finally came to a conclusion that we had to go With the emotional anger plan, which is not the smartest idea I mean yes we would get a clear visual of Aaarrrggghhh but we have no idea where we be going or if we were not being led astray into a trap but we don't really have much of a chance okay also need to figure out where the demigods are going to bring forth the eternal night of the apocalypse

Claire Took a small breath: okay let's do this

She activates the Portal and we all look out for warcry as we charge on through only to to stop when we're face-to-face with a friend

She activates the Portal and we all look out for warcry as we charge on through only to to stop when we're face-to-face with a friend

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Toby tries to run to his window man but Angor stops him: stop I was in one of my traps which can only mean...

Mary discussed was pierced into her voice: rotten

Aja seemed confused: What I thought you guys said you killed that guy and Morgan is the only one who could bring a living creature back

Blinky explained a theory: well it is entirely possible since the demigods are the ones that gave Morgana her power they have the power to bring back the dead as well it only makes sense.

Toby: it doesn't matter but there is this we found my wing man and we know where the demigods are operating from

However Dixie corrected Toby: actually I don't think we are in the secret base because I recognise this place it's the tomb of Merlin

I question if Dixie is correct in his assumption: merlins tune? You're sure?

Archie answered this time: I hope so we help build this place after the battle of killer head

Okay so where in Merlin tune, so it is pretty clear that the demigod wouldn't be working here but why would they put aaaggghhh here their be another reason

Toby tries to undo one of the stones that binds his friend but Blinky stops him: Tobias wait those stones will explode if they hit the ground if we try to deactivate the trap this whole room will explode

Darci up with an idea to counteract this trap: Dixie is it possible that there is a another room beneath us?

Dixie thinks about it for a moment: possibly maybe I don't know it's been nearly 1000 years I can't remember every nook and cranny of this place

I asked ask: Darcy what are you planing?

Darcy explained her plan: You go hulk troll and smash the floor beneath us we fall into the floor which will cover us from the explosion Aaarrrggghhh is freed and hopefully we all come out of it unscathed

The others have their concerns about this plan but honestly I can't see any better way other than leaving our friend which is something we don't do in my team. So I go hulk smash the floor and we all tumbled down into the next room as a giant explosion happens above us, luckily like Darcy planned we all came out of it unscathed I have a new problem is where are we

Aaarrrggghhh hugged Toby but then explained what you heard when he was captured: demigods after Merlin's staff

Aja: why would they be going after Merlin staff

Claire: is it possible that they plan to replace their own are using melons?

Dixie explained his theory: maybe or it could be that melons staff who is one of the most powerful in the world back in the old world and now it could be used to make the eternal night of the apocalypse permanent or if we're lucky it could be used to stop it

Angor: So it's clear that I go shopping now getting Merlin staff for the demigods or their henchmen can

That seemed about is best of planners any not to mention we still need a way to actually stop them we only won once against the demigods and technically speaking we won by a miracle. Regardless we continue our quest Dixie obviously leading the way since he knows the best way around this place hopefully

(okay that's it for this chapter just watch the video and imagining that the characters that I've placed in there are okay see you next time)

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