Meeting the King

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Meeting the king

Claire point of view

This day could not get any weirder, First my boyfriend is turned into a half breed of troll and human the next we find out that A big-name company is secretly run by wizards and the follow-up Shannon has now found out about our other little secret and to top it all off we apparently have gotten lost in time according to Dixie, oh and one other thing we are being dragged to Camelot to face judgement by King Arthur himself who apparently hates magical creatures to which four out of the five people in our group are

Shannon sounding scared can't really say I blame her: Seriously what is going on, how did we get to a mediaeval fair and how is it mid day already it was at night time a few minutes ago.

This is probably not the best place to have this conversation, more or less because Jim is in a cage in his troll form which is obviously making Shannon nervous and we're all tied up being dragged across against our Will by a bunch of stupid knights.

Mary trying to Comfort Shannon but it's not working: well you see girl there is more to the world then you think. in fact there's a lot more to the universe then you originally think but as of right now we are all confused on what's going on

This somewhat gave the confused young woman some comfort however she was still uncomfortable looking at Jim, I can't really say I blame her this is all new to her and also finding out the boy that you were rather intimate with and could also be something with blue skin and horns isn't exactly something every girl fantasise about. Though in my opinion the horns just make him a little bit hotter.

We arrive at Camelot Castle, it is much different then what is described in the books and movies they lower the drawbridge and we are forced inside.

Dixie sounded optimistic: okay this isn't exactly what we were planning for but we can work with this this is my old Home people know me here so all we need to do is find Merlin get him to fix Jim and then get him to send us back on our merry way

Jim turned to Dixie raising an eyebrow: okay that could work but I want to know what kind of magic was in that orb you gave us?

Dixie shrugged his shoulders: Haven't really got a clue mate Merlin just told me that if a troll hunter ever came to me saying they had problems with the amulet just to give them that.

We  placed tied up in what appears to be the throne room, generally because there are two thrones in there and there is a man wearing a crown who I assume to be king Arthur sitting at one of them

The older version of Steve: my lord we found these tress passes in your domain

King Arthur got down from his throne: I give the trolls the magical words and you still trespass onto my lands, You spy of gunmar

Jim Took offence to that so did everyone else except for Shannon who still had no idea what was going on: hey I don't like that monster as much as you do I'd gladly ring my sword round his neck

King Arthur didn't believe Jim: do you think me to be a fool all of you trolls are in league with your gum gum King, kill this creature at once!

Some guards are about to take gym and place them into the sunlight Me and the other girls are trying to break free from restraints but the guards grab us not allowing us to move. However just before Jim is dragged into the Sun of woman speaks up against the king

The woman: Brother those lines belong to the trolls to begin with and you were the one who stole it from them

King Arthur pointed his sword at the woman: Morgana you dare stand against your King your own blood

Morgana like in the Merlin series that must be Arthur's sister she's not what I imagined or what she looks like in the TV show. But that doesn't really matter now he pays to be on the side of magical creatures

Darci spoke out: hey just because you don't understand him doesn't mean he doesn't have the right to live

King Arthur: but that does make him dangerous I've lost too much to the magical creatures already I will not in danger to my people by allowing that foul creature to live

The nights continue to drag him towards the sunlight he begs and cries for them to stop as to the rest of us but they don't listen all of a sudden something clicks within me, I feel this overbearing rage as I let out A scream at the top of my lungs: STOP!!!

All of a sudden the Sun gets clouded in by clouds that came out of nowhere and Jim is safe from his newfound weakness, The guards let us all go and me and the girls immediately rush over to him checking him over to make sure he's alright

King Arthur pointed at Morgana: Morgana is this your doing this is dark magic

Morgana takes the  blame for my magic, She gives me a gentle node that is unnoticed by everyone else I gave her a small node back to say thank you

Mary yells at the King: Just because you're afraid of something doesn't mean that it's evil and Jim he has no loyalty to gunmar

That's when I come up with a plan: yes your lordship he has no loyalty to the skull crusher in fact Jim was human until we had to face a witch that casting a spell on him transforming them into a creature that's not quite troll and not quite human.

King Arthur scratched his beard thinking about my excuse and trying to see if there is any holes in my story: very well I will grant this supposed human mercy for now but until then he will remain in the dungeon. Along with the rest of you!

Me and the girls were drowned off along with Jim leaving Dixie to try and explain to King Arthur who we are. Hopefully he can get us out of this and back to the present

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