A Battle of the ages/back to the present!

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Sorry about the title literally couldn't resist myself, I mean when you do a time travelling part of your story you can't not adding a reference or something that sounds like it's from back to the future also this artwork is from the comic book so I don't own it

Narrator's point of view

It was time The battle that stood ahead of the troll hunting team was going to be fierce even more fierce since one of the members couldn't fight with them. Jim had asked that Darci and Shannon stay in Camelot and wait for The the magic burst. They obviously argued saying that they could still fight but Jim reminded Darcy that if you use too much of her powers she'll burn up and die and Shannon doesn't have any form of training in anything that is concerned is fighting and she has no connection to any magic. They still protest but they were voted out by Dixie, Claire and Mary as well so against their better judgement they went to Camelot to await the battle to be over.

Jim: I know they're going to hate me for keeping them out of this fight but I don't wanna see anything happened to them

Claire agreed: don't worry once we win I'm sure we'll all make up once we get home

Dixie: yeah let's hope we'll get home I've got to go with Merlin to make sure that Morgana is seal the way do you guys think you can handle this without me

Mary sarcastic: well let's see we've got a fight an army of stone giants we want to eat us along with possibly our magic teacher who is on the Darkside the person that told us everything we know about magic yeah I think we be fine

Dixie didn't say anything instead he just ran in the opposite direction ready for his battle. Nightfall was coming and with that the horde of monsters that came with it, The knights that were left stood behind the king fully ready to die for the his cause then along came the skull crusher himself gunmar the black

Gunmar along with his army stayed in the shadows waiting for the Sun to come down: Little King your army looks smaller than I remember from our last encounter

King Arthur raised his sword and planted it at the skull crusher: it does not matter the size of an army it matters the size of their hearts these men bravely follow me Into a fight that we most certainly will not survive but if we have to lose this day we will at least slay some of your army and I will have your head on a spear!!

The knights cheered at the Kings speech but he didn't last long however as the skull crusher ordered some of his soldiers to "tenderise the meat" Some gum gums from the top of the cliffs that they were hiding behind and jumped down and crawled into balls and when they hit the sunlight they turn to stone making them like stone cannonballs. Many of the men managed to dodge it however there were certain few that got smashed, crushed and pulverised

Gunmar kept doing that finning the numbers of the already dented army until the Sun went down and that's when a full on charge happened, war cries were heard as the clash between the two armies began man against troll. The battle was already becoming a bloodbath the come gums were able to easily rip apart the knight like they were made out of cardboard. However they were having particular trouble with a blue skinned troll, Jim race through the army slaughtering any gum gum he came across even though he didn't have his armour he was still a force to be reckoned with. In some occasions he could killer gum gum with just one punch in another incident he ripped off one of the dead man's arms and started beating the others with it.

Mary made a mini hurricane of cold wind which scooped up the gum gums and throws some of them while Claire teleported some of the gum gum is in the air and watch them for their death she also conjured up dark blade using her magic and sliced through the skin of the stone giants.

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