Worst date ever part 1 (short)

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Okay I know that title was pretty weak But it was the best time to come up with and I didn't wanna use the original so you know, also sorry for this one being short but I gave you guys a really long chapter Yesterday so I just wanted to give myself a bit of breathing time

Narrators point of view

Darci and Mary get up from their bed feeling like A brand new person, they had a spring in the step after being ill for almost 2 weeks unable to do pretty much anything but now they were finally feeling better.

Mary went over to her make up kit and mirror she wanted to look extra good for today because Jim promised them all that they could go out on a proper date when the two of them got better

Well Mary was making herself extra beautiful Darcy over at her house was making sure her hair was straight that you with them were feeling like they were on cloud nine until when both of them open their closet at the same time to reveal an unwelcome guest

In Mary's house screaming at angor Who was hiding in a closet: what are you doing in there!

Meanwhile with Darcy she was screaming on the fact that Nari was hiding in hers: what are you doing in there?!!

Both Nari and angor despite being in several parts of the town said the exact same thing at the exact same time: i'm worried about you!

Mary pointed for the troll assassin to exit her closet which he obliged as he explained: i've been watching your behaviour recently you're acting very strange

On the other side of town Darcy was dealing with the same problem from their teacher: you have been getting up in the night and walking like you're in some kind of trance and then you come back in the middle of the night and just collapse on your bed and you have no memory of what happened the morning after

Darci surprised but not on the fact about how she's been sleepwalking but how the fact that Nari knew about it: wait how do you know about this

Mary asked angor the exact same question, he took a deep breath and picked up one of her many soft toys she had in her room and then spun it around to reveal that it was a nanny-cam: this spy device saw the whole thing

(if you're not following I'm I'm swapping between Mary and Darcy's conversation but they're all going to end in the same way also Darcy does have a nanny-cam in her room as well so that's how Nari know)

Mary shocked as her bodyguard began setting up the Nanny cam to her computer: oh my God I've done things on that bed

Angor: you don't have to tell me I had to erase a lot of footage

Mary gulped: so you know about...

Angor turned around as he answered: about you and the troll hunter and the rest of your female friends yes don't worry I'm not going to judge but just a quick reminder I do partly live here so I can hear everything that goes on around this house

Yeah we just nodded like a robot still shocked at the recent news she was receiving red hats when she looked at the computer which was now showing her possession act, Darcy was being shown it to both of the girls looked at their separate screams with confusion it was them but their eyes were different colour and they were... floating okay that was weird and they exited it out of the window the footage then rewind forwards to review and then coming back and then just going back to bed like nothing happened

Darci panicking: this doesn't mean anything I've got to get to school I'll see you later

angor disagreed with Mary who was also trying to play off what happened on the video as just a one time thing: I don't think that's wise

Mary starting to lose her temper: look it was probably just a side-effect from my powers I'm fine just get out of my way you're not my dad

Angor for some reason felt hurt as she said those words but he did what he was asked and moved out of the way of the door allowing the girl to walk on by

Nari watched as her fire student left: somethings not right with her

At school

Darcy's point of view

What Nari Said keeps playing in my mind there is no way there's anything wrong with me I'm in complete control of myself and my powers, besides we've got bigger things to worry about then my sleepwalking

I open my locker to get my next box only to be surprised with Nari hiding in there

I quickly shut the door so that no one else can see but I leave it slightly open so that I can speak to the little surprise: what are you doing in there do you just like hiding in places to scare the living daylights out of people

Nari answered: there is something going on with you, and I don't think it's wise for you to be left alone so I'm going to follow you throughout the day

I shut the door and lock my locker I am not having follow me around: thanks but no thanks

Great now what am I gonna do without my box for this lesson oh well maybe it's for the best I might be able to snuggle up to Jim because I'll be needing to share a book with someone~

Speaking of the devil he appears along with Claire and Shannon or three of them are happy to see me and Mary comes from behind who I assume is also happy to be back at school and able to see them

Claire giving us a hug: so are you guys really well now or do you still need a couple of days

Mary: well I can't speak for Darci but I feel as right as rain girl and you know what that means

Shannon whispered yelled: we get to go on a date tonight

Jim: yes we do I'm thinking that café that Dixie works at, maybe he'll give us a discount

I smile but that's when I noticed that someone is missing from our little reunion: hey Jim where is aja

Jim: apparently her and her brother have had some troubles with the wormhole generator they've asked us if we see their dog to call them apparently he's been teleported all over Arcadia the whole morning

Mary: so I guess that means that five of us

Jim: yeah I guess it is

Yes finally a proper date I can't wait for tonight and nothing is going to ruin it at all

Okay guys that's it for this chapter again I'm sorry that it was short but I just needed some breathing room because once again my previous chapter was one of the biggest ones I've ever written Anyway see you next time and don't forget to vote or leave a comment it just shows the support from this story

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