the shattered King part 1

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Jim point of view

my eyes slowly began to open and I am meant with eyes of the demigod. Surprise I stand with backwards realising that I am once again fully clothed, girls are also in the flower bed to fully clothed (what a shame) they laughed at my reaction. I stand up and try to make myself appear dignified.

Mary Got Close to me: Nice to see that sleeping beauty is awake, although I can't blame you for being asleep so long we really went at it last night.

Memories we going to flow back into my mind about what happened the other night about Ritual and about me losing an hand but I check what is supposed to be my blue stone and it's now human skin colour and I could move the fingers more easily however it still feels like stone

Darci stopped me from admiring my hand any further: demigod here is going to explain what happens now

The demigod Speaks: the ritual was a success you now have a magic flowing through your veins.

Mary need to hand if she was in a classroom: okay not to say that this ritual wasn't amazing because it was but I don't feel any different.

The demigod answered the question: it is because your magic with only Activate when you are in a situation that causes great stress. Once you have been through this you should be able to control your magic easily however when your magic does appear you must return to me so that I may teach you all that I know

Claire and me if you teach other and no I did decide to ask the same question:so if you don't mind but who are you?

She Shakes her head: must not know my name and you also must not tell anyone of my existence other than your friends. If you do it may ruin prophecy, I will tell you my name when I feel the time is right but for now you should return to the surface

Suddenly the flower beginning to blossom and as the petals fell into place it was revealed that we were already at the surface to the entrance a cave. We all walk up the petals and back onto solid ground and as we do the flower begins to go back into the ground taking the demigod with it.

Once the giant hole is cleared up all of us look at each other and just begin to walk our way out of the woods.

Darci speaks: so are we going to talk about what happened last night to or...

We all stopped Darci made a good point what exactly were we going to tell the others and follow up how exactly was this going to be a good relationship to have. I'm in a scary thought crossed my mind what exactly would my mother think about this... no wait what would Clares parents think about this dear God I'm dead.

Claire sees the panic on my face and gently grabs my hand: I think We should keep this a secret, even from the others will just say that there was this ritual that allowed us to gain magic powers which didn't involve us being intimate

Mary agreed: C bomb is alright, its best that we just keep this between us at least for now. Besides if the other boys found out that Jim is dating the three hotels girls in school he won't just have trolls that will be chasing him.

We will have a laugh as we continue walking through the woods all each other's hands. Claire next to her head on my shoulder along with Mary on the other one. This will be interesting but maybe it won't be so bad

Troll market A few hours later

After a really long hug from both Blinky, aargh and Toby me and the girls began to explain our version of the story. We basically told them that we went through an ancient ritual that would allow Us to share the magic energy when it awakens in us. It is then when vindul asked to see me and the girls privately.

We arrived at the elder of trollmarket office

Vindul i'm standing by his desk with the birthstone on it with some tools by the side

Vindul sounded annoyed for some reason: well come on I haven't got all day

We all look at each other confused but we do what he says and walks to the table is there where the elder tells me to pick up a tool

Vindul: The way to activate the Stone is for it to be cleaned and placed back in its pure form only then will it be able to be useful to you

Claire sounded confused: I thought you were against collecting stones

Vindul slammed his hand onto his desk causing all of us to jump back from the sudden scare: I am against it going into the dark lands is suicide and will do us all if you fail

I ask a question: then why are you help

vindul Took what was left of the birthstone and began to cleavage it: you are determined to save the infant

We all say in unison: yes

Vindul let out a long breath: then for everyone sake the only choice I have is to make sure that you are ready. And if Work Lincoln told me is true and the guardians of magic truly did save you then that must mean that you four i'm going to bring a change of the times whether that is good or bad has yet to be seen.

Vindul placed out his hand signalling for me to give him my amulet I did so and he placed what was left of the birthstone in a compartment in the back of the amulet

It is there that my armour began to appear around me as it lifted me off the floor and I suited up. He didn't seem any different from the previous times I transformed but something felt different a good kind of different

Mary as I land back onto the floor: Okay Elizabeth supposed to make any difference because I don't see a difference from when Jim had his armour back at the play

Vindul: I do not know what changes the stone has brought you can never be too sure what it might be but it must be something powerful. However you can only discovered it

I get excited: I want to discover

Vindul give me a soft smile: then perhaps I should tell you where the next stone can be located but before I do I can see the markings that have been placed upon each of you. you do know what they mean don't you

Darci: yeah we know it means we're going to get magic once we go through something traumatic

Vindul shakes his head: no well yes it does mean that but it also means that your fateare now one. You all share a great responsibility I've only heard rumours of the legend that you have been chosen for.

I speak up: is that really such a bad thing

Vindul: no but I hope you all understand, what you've done that means you can no longer have a normal life

I raise an eyebrow: what do you mean. Do you already fight creatures we thought only existed in fairytales and bedtime stories how could it get any not normal than that

Vindul: I suppose you have a car but now if you succeed in surviving as the trollhunter do you have a more greater responsibility afterwards but I will not worry you with such a burden yet

Okay that was weird, what was he talking about fate of two worlds all the rest on my shoulders what could be more of a responsibility than that. Vindul then told us where we could find the kill stone we told Blinky and he told us to meet him at the jiyer after he formulated a plan

Hi everyone now I know I've been updating like crazy especially with this story for the past Two weeks but unfortunately all good things have to come to an end since we're going back to education and my final project is coming up I won't be able to update with such frequency and if I did it would probably be really short chapters I hope you can understand and I hope to see you next time for part two

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