Meeting an old Friend for the first time

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Just for the chapter starts I would like to point out this chapter could possibly be confusing. So I'm basically going to give you a quick rundown of what's gonna happen Jim and Shannon are going to meet the demigod that the troll Huntington met in the present but to the demigod she hasn't met Jim yet or betrayed the order.

Jim's point of view

I yell at Calista: I can't believe you pushed me!

Calista just laughs: hey, it work didn't it I don't see what your problem is

I was about to say something but Shannon who was behind us fell over and was panting hard, I ran over to her to see that she is completely exhausted can't say I blame her this was definitely not what she had planned to do tonight and the fact that she is wearing heels probably doesn't help.

I turn around and signal for her to get on my back: get on my back I'll carry you

Shannon nodes: okay but are you sure you can carry me

I chuckle: yeah don't worry when I'm like this I could even lift a bus with one hand

Shannon kind of my back and we continue forward trying to get as far away from Camelot as possible of course I'm still worried about the rest of the girls mainly Darci because she doesn't have her armour so she could lose control of her magic if she use it. We continue going through the enchanted woods until we come across what appears to be ruins of a troll Village.

Calista look upon the ruins with distain: stupid flesh bags, they take our homes and then claim us to be the trespassers

Shannon looks around and can see the pain in Calista eyes: hey we're not all bad

Calista span around with a face  fuelled with anger: oh really so tell me flesh bag why would your people do something like this! To destroy someone's home and then take you away without you ever knowing your name

I realise that this is in a hypothetical situation that Calista is talking  about: this is your village isn't it

Calista appearance went from angry to mournful, she goes to sit on a nearby rock and pick up what appears to be a statue of some kind

Calista Voice saddened as she recalled her events of her childhood: I was still only a youngling when it happened the soldiers came to my village slaughtered all of my people and took me and gave me a human name like Calista I'm not welcome anywhere because of that because I've got a human name.

I speak: Calista I can't completely understand where you're coming from but I can't tell you this not all humans are bad I mean look at me and Shannon we are friends, I think if trolls and humans are to stop fighting someone needs to take the first step sure both sides have done horrible things but it just takes one person to break the cycle

Calista: looks up at me, with confusion she was about to ask something when another voice which was familiar to me came out of nowhere

The mysterious but familiar voice: what cycle do you speak off?

Both me and Calista are on high alert as Shannon takes her hands into my stone skin out of fear however my nerves are soon dropped when I realise it's the demigod.... Wait she doesn't know me in this timeline yet and judging by a question she hasn't betrayed the order

I pretend not to know who she is: Who are you?

The demigod speaks her name for the first time to me: I am Nari of the eternal forest member of the arcane order

So I was right she hasn't betrayed the order just yet, oh no did we accidentally change the timeline by going back in time because if the demigod doesn't betray the order Mary and Darci will never get their powers. Not to mention what that was due to this timeline

Trollhunter (Jim x harem story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum