Explanation and prologue

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And we are back I don't know what happened to my first trollhunter harem story or why it was taken down but I decided to make a new one, know the difference in this one is that it's going to start halfway through season one that's generally because I'm already making my other trollhunter story and I rather not have to start all over again. Okay so onto the basic storyline of this whilst fighting a plant monster Jim gets sprayed with this pheromones, which should kill trolls in an instant however with humans it has a different effect.

Instead of killing him the pheromones make jim incredibly attractive to the opposite sex how would you survive being chased by trolls and being chased by all the girls/women in Arcadia

If you wanna quick we Of what happened in the beginning of season one there is a video of a comic book version but you only need to go to about 13 minutes I think anyway onto the prologue

In Jim bedroom

Jim thoughts: how in the hell did this happen!

Jim looked to his left side to see Claire naked sleeping peacefully on his arm however she wasn't alone on that side for her mother ophelia was also sleeping on his arm naked. He then turned like a robot to his right side to see Clares best friends Mary and Darci in the same sort of position naked.

Jim thoughts once again: how did I get in the situation!

It was then that he looks straight up to realise he was resting on his own mother's lap Who is also naked as she looked down at him with dreamy eyes

Barbara: morning sweetheart time for your good morning kiss

Jim eyes began to slowly close as his mother drew in closer to his lips.

Jim thoughts : it's all that plants fault! That's right it happened at that Trollhunter mission

Two months ago (I know that seems like a short time but you'll understand later)

It was in the depths of troll market where you could find jim lake Junior the bular slayer it only had been a couple of weeks after he defeated bular The butcher and save the world.

Now he already found him self in another dangerous situation Blinky had told him that they were strange noises coming from a tunnel and trolls had been disappearing along with vines coming out of the tunnel.

So they went to investigate however it wasn't long before they found themselves in front of supposedly one of most dangerous plants in the troll world

It looked like a fly trap but its face was more like a rose thorns all over it and on top of everything else it it was intelligent so it knew how to fight back

Binky hiding behind a rock: Master Jim you must not let the plants pheromones get on you it will kill you in an instant!!!

Jim rolled his eyes as he leapt over one of its tentacles branches that tried to sweep his legs: Yeah I was totally going to let him do that

Toby riding on the back of Aaarrrggghhh: how do you know it's a dude you could be a girl for you know

Jim turn to his friend quickly: I really couldn't care less about what the gender is all I know is it's trying to kill us.

Jim sliced through the woodland of of the plant to finally reach its core he pulled daylight back ready to pull the final strike however just before he did the plant had appeared at the side of him and sprayed him with its pheromones

After a brief cough gym slammed the sort of daylight into the core of the plant the plants stopped it's assault and just shrivelled up immediately

Blinky came charging at the young Trollhunter and hugs him tightly and quickly didn't once over on him to make sure he was okay: what's the gym are you alright I saw the plant releases pheromones upon you

Jim manages to get out of the bear hug and checks himself only to find out that everything was fine he felt normal: yeah I feel okay I don't feel like anything is changed maybe the plants affects only work on trolls what's the planet supposed to do to trolls anyway

It was there that Blinky went into a long explanation of the terrible fate that would be for him if Jim was a troll, however jim wasn't really paying attention he was too exhausted From the fight

Has he got home, he waved hello to his mother who completely ignored him. He couldn't blame her he still hadn't told her what was in the letter that he wrote so long ago instead of dragging out an argument Jim just went straight up to his bed and fell asleep immediately

Later in the night however as midnight fell upon Arcadia, there was a change in the air the pheromones that the plant had unleashed we are being carried from Jim off by the wind. And spread all across Arcadia

now for some people these pheromones did nothing to them however a few certain individuals felt the change within them

Claire's bedroom

Clares slept peacefully in her bed until she began talking in her sleep

Claire sleeptalking: Jim thank you for saving me from the goblins how can I repay you- Also that's what you want in naughty boy.~

She then began to play with herself in her sleep

ophelia's room (well technically Claire's parents room)

Ophelia was sleeping happily and peacefully until she had to speak in her sleep and her facial expression changed to A little bit of anger

Ophelia sleeptalking: Jim lake you nasty boy you've ruined my living room you need a punishment~

Ophelia then began playing with her self in asleep luckily for her husband did not wake up

Mary's room

Mary was sleeping happily like the little princesses she was on her king-size bed however in her dreams her shining light appeared as she began to speak in her sleep

Mary sleeptalking: jimmy I thought you were what are you- oh yes that fells so good~how are you so good at this? No don't stop

Mary began to play with herself as she dreamt about Jim

Darci room

Darci snoring loudly However the snoring was soon replaced by her sleeptalking

Darci sleep talking/Moaning: Jim, what are you doi- ohfuck  yes Touch me like that tell me then I'm more beautiful than Claire tell me that you love me more than her. Oh yes~

Barbara's room

Barbara has just managed to fall into slumber and was sleeping still in her bed until she began tossing and turning in asleep as she spoke

Barbara sleeptalking: sweetie, I want you to tell me everything, everything going on in your life. Tell me baby mummy is worried about.

It was then that Barbara sleeptalking began to turn into moaning as she began to finger herselfthat it sweetie, Touch mummy there~ mummy's is going to cum~

All of the women/Young women had unknowingly all shared an orgasm thinking about the same guy. Jim had no idea That his world was going to get turned upside down over again

Okay so that's it for the prologue what did you guys think it's been awhile since I've done a lemon seen so I just wanted to give it a practice what did you think of it also there will be more women/young women added to Jim's harem but that's later in the story I promise to make this one a little bit more lemony than my last one thank you for tuning in don't forget to leave vote  if you enjoy and also leave a comment

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