Chapter 20

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"Well then, what are we waiting for.... Let the fight begin." He said. We walked in circles and held our swords tight. "Have any last wishes?" He asked.

"Last wish? I guess I should be asking you that."

"Confident lady! We'll see soon who will have their last wish to make."

"I request you to make your last wish."

"Oh, oh please. We're wasting each other's time by talking about dying. Are trying to distract me by your talks, Daebi-mama?"

"Ha! Not at all, Jeonha Chul. You're right.... We're wasting time. Let's get over with this once and for all." I said, holding up my sword.

"Yeah, let's get this over with."

We ran towards each other and fought. Our swords clashed and clashed. I poured all my anger while fighting. But then suddenly he kicked my abdomen, making me wince in pain. I fell to the ground as the pain was unbearable. I coughed out some blood. I laughed out loud and said "I haven't felt so much pain in all these years. It feels good to feel some pain because no pain then no gain, right."

"Yeah, that sure is but in your case, I would say more pain but no gain." He said, kicking on my abdomen again. "Oh look, the one and only brave queen, Jina Lee is on the ground already! What a shame!" He said, stamping my hand with his leg. I shouted in pain. "COME ON! GIVE UP!" He shouted.

"I WON'T!" I said, before taking my dagger with my other hand and stabbing his leg with it. He let go of my hand and held his leg where I had stabbed him.

"Not bad." He said. I took my dagger from his leg and he winced in pain. I was enjoying it. I was about to stab his shoulder too but then he acted fast. He held my hand in which I was holding my dagger and took his dagger. He stabbed my left arm. I shouted in pain. He took his dagger from my arm and it hurt even more.

I moved back and held my arm. Blood flowed from the wound. It was pretty deep but I wasn't ready to give up. He said "Hurts, doesn't it?"

"Bleeding is a part of war. If you come back from a war without blood then it means nothing but you running away from the war. I don't care about how much pain I go through. All I care about is...." I sighed out heavily and let go of my arm. I took my sword in my hands and ripped a piece of cloth from my dress. I put it around my arm and tied it tightly around the wound. I held my sword tight and looked at him. "...cutting off your head."

I held my sword straight with both my hands and was ready to fight back.

"We'll see whose head will be cut." He said. I ran towards him shouting. He brought his sword and shielded himself. I held my sword with one hand and took my dagger with the other hand. I stabbed his stomach. He stepped back and I pulled out my dagger from his stomach. He shouted in pain. He placed his hand on the wound and winced in pain. I took my sword and walked towards him. He was crawling back slowly. I could see fear in his eyes. I smirked and stamped his leg, making him stop. 

He said "Jina, Jina, listen to me. I'm sorry. Please spare my life. If you're a queen then you would show mercy."

"I don't need to show to you that I'm a queen when I already am. I promised Jimin that I would cut off your head and I don't break promises. I don't show mercy to people like you. I never will." I said before placing the sword next to his neck. "Now tell me.... Have you any last wish?"

"I want you to show mercy towards me. That will be my last wish."

"Sorry, but I can't fulfill that wish." I said before cutting off his head. His blood was on my sword. I would've felt proud of myself but I couldn't. I wasn't in that mindset. I lost someone. I lost someone very dear to me. Dead bodies surrounded me. Blood from bodies filled the ground.

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