Chapter 18

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The trumpets were blown out loud for the war to begin. Everyone shouted before running towards each other. The war had begun. I was on my horse and my horse was running fast through the army. I took my bow and took an arrow. Jimin and I had split.

I kept my arrow on the bow and aimed at the enemies. I let go of the arrow and the arrow pierced through his neck. I laughed to myself.

Oh, how much I missed this...

I tilted towards the side and asked my horse to give an arrow. He gave me an arrow with his teeth and I shot another person. I kept fighting and fighting. I threw arrow after arrow and killed person after person. Everything was under control until when someone kicked me off my horse. My horse neighed. I was on the ground and winced in pain. I got on my feet and saw a woman standing in front of me. I threw my bow away and looked at her.

"Jina Lee, the queen of Silla, is fighting alongside Jimin. Never expected something so cheap from you." She spoke.

"Min Ryuin, sister of Jeonha Chul, a very weak warrior. Never expected to see someone as weak as you in the battleground." I spoke.

"Weak?" She said, laughing out loud. "I'm not weak. The one who's weak is you."

"You're telling that to a queen who has fought and won so many wars?" I said, laughing.

"Yeah, I am because I'm now stronger than you." She said, standing closer to me.

"You don't wanna fight me, Ryuin."

"Oh yes, I want to."

We walked in circles, looking at each other. We stopped and stood at opposite sides. I took my sword in my hands. I saw her smirk at me. I smirked back. "Looks like you're not scared one bit." She spoke.

"Why would I be?" I said, scoffing.

"Because you have to fear me." She said, before running towards me with her sword. She was about to slit my throat but I shielded myself using my sword in time, preventing her from slitting my throat.

"Too slow." I said. I pushed her back with my sword. She fell down to the ground and I said "Weak as ever."

"I'M NOT WEAK!" She shouted before standing up on her feet and running with her sword towards me. Our swords clashed. 

Our eyes met each other's and I could see anger in her eyes. She pushed my sword away.

"Not bad," I said. She smirked at me. I was going to take back my sword in my hands until when she tried to stab me from behind but I took the sword in time and protected myself. I pushed her to the ground again. "Please don't tell me that you worked hard to fight like this." I said.

She shouted in anger before getting on her feet and running towards me with her sword again. We fought and fought. The sound of our swords echoed. Then suddenly the tip of her blade scratched my cheek slightly. A small cut was on my cheek and a drop of blood dripped. I said, smiling "All this fight for just drop of blood from me."

"Your blood on my sword is all that I wanted."

"Oh, so now that you have a drop of my blood on your sword so what now? You're gonna run away? Leaving the fight in between is one of the worst things a warrior can do." I said, laughing.

"No, I didn't say that. This drop of blood on my sword is the beginning. Soon, I will see you bleeding to death."

"Right. I thought it was gonna be the other way around." We got back to fighting.

Jimin's pov

I fought and fought for my kingdom. Deas bodies surrounded me. I would do anything to keep my kingdom safe. I was ready to give my life for my kingdom.

I've fulfilled my last wish.

I saw Jina fighting with Jeonha Chul's sister, Ryuin a few feet away from me. I saw her fight sincerely. I smiled at the thought of her. I looked at Jeonha Chul who was not so far away. I saw him aiming an arrow at Jina. I got scared. He let go of the arrow and it was flying in the sky towards her. "NOOOOO!" I shouted before running towards her. I pushed her away and took the arrow to my chest for her.

Jina's pov

I was on the ground. I saw Jimin on the ground too. I saw an arrow, pierced through his chest. I sat up straight. Tears welled in my eyes. "Nononono...." I said, looking at him. He was trying to breathe.

I felt a cold metal against my neck. I looked at my neck to see Ryuin's sword against my neck.

This fight ends now.

I pushed her sword away and kicked her. I took my sword and pierced her stomach. I took out my sword from her stomach. She fell to the ground and bled. I sat down on the ground beside Jimin. I placed his head carefully on my lap.

"Jimin, Jimin, hey, hey." I said, cupping his cheek.

He coughed and blood flowed from his mouth. "Jina..." He said, trying to hold on to his life.

"Jimin..." I said, crying.


Jungkook's pov

I was walking with Kyuhyun in the garden. She kept talking on and on but I couldn't hear anything. I was in my own world. All I was doing was thinking about her, the queen.

I feel empty if you're not here, Daebi-mama. I feel something with you. I feel something which I had lost a long time ago with you. I feel love. I feel love when I'm with you. I feel like I've known you for years. I admit it.... I've fallen for you. I've fallen head over heels for you. How am I supposed to kill you now? 

I was warned by Jeonha Seokjin to not fall for you but I have. What have you done to me?

Kyuhyun waved her hand in front of me, grabbing my attention. "Yah! Where are you?" Kyuhyun asked.

"I'm right next to you."

"Ha! I can see that."

"Then why did you ask?"

"Because you were looking like you weren't even listening to anything what I was saying."

"What were you saying?"

"See, see, see. I knew it. You were lost in your own world. Tell me. What's wrong?"


"You sure?"


"Fine, I'll tell what was I saying again."


"Don't you think that it's kinda strange?"


"That my sister sending a messenger from another kingdom to tell me to be a queen for another day."

"Nope, I don't feel it strange. There's nothing strange about this."

"No. There is something. She's somewhere and doesn't care to tell me anything about it. I feel she's going through something. Something painful."

"And, how do you know that?"

"You know, once my sister said that if you have a really strong bond with someone then you can feel what they feel. I have a strong bond with my sister and I can tell you.... She's going through something painful right now."

I saw a dove flying above me towards the window of my room. Its legs had a scroll tied to them. "Hey, I have to go to my room right now. We'll talk later about this." I said before running towards my room.

I went to my room and saw the dove on the window. I ran towards the window and took the dove in my hands. I untied the scroll from its legs and let it fly away. I opened the scroll and read what was written in it. But while I was reading it my smile dropped. My mind went blank. I couldn't think anything further. It was a letter from Jeonah Seokjin. 

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