Chapter 10

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Jungkook's pov

"Jeonha Seokjin?! What's he doing here?" The queen asked.

"I don't know, Daebi-mama. But then, he's now standing in front of the gates to our kingdom." Jihye said.

"Not bad. Looks like he doesn't want to get killed." The queen said.

"What are we going to do, Daebi-mama?" I asked.

"What else? Welcome him." The queen said.

Wait... what? Welcome him!?

The queen started making her way towards the gates. Jihye and I followed her. Once we were out of the palace, she whistled. Her horse came out running. She got on the horse's back and turned towards me. She asked "How about we go together?"

"But then Daebi-mama, we can't go together. You're the queen and I'm a minister. A queen and a minister can't go together."

"Who said so?"

I looked up at her and she smiled. She grabbed my hand and pulled me up, making me sit behind on the horse's back.

Man, this girl is strong...

She hit the straps and the horse neighed before running through the kingdom. I kept my grip strong on her shoulders. She asked, "You scared of going fast, huh?"

"No, I'm not." I said and she chucked. She made the horse stop and the horse stood up on two legs. I was about to fall off. I wrapped my hands around her waist, holding her tight as possible. The horse went back down and she made the horse run faster again. "Looks like I have to teach you how to ride a horse too." She spoke.

"No, that's not required. I know how to ride a horse. How would I come here if I didn't know? I brought you here on my horse."

"Oh, yeah that's right."

We reached the gates and she made the horse stop. We both got off the horse and stood in front of the gates. She nodded and the guards opened the gates. The huge gates opened, revealing Jeonha Seokjin standing with his ministers and warriors behind him. There weren't many warriors. Only around 50 of them. Jeonha Seokjin said, smirking "Well Jina LEE I never knew you would come all the way here to welcome me. Also, I never knew you would make me stand outside your kingdom's gates."

"I have legs to come all the way over here. I now regret coming right away." She said, crossing her arms.

"I know you can't be without seeing my handsome face."

"Yeah, yeah... So handsome." She murmured under her breath. "Why are you here?"

"To look at you."

"You done looking?"

"Actually, no. I wanna have a small talk with you."

"Go on."

"In private. And won't you take me inside your palace?"

She thought for a while and said "Fine, but only you can come in. Not your ministers or warriors." Jeonha Seokjin said, chuckling "Okay" He was about to step into her kingdom until when she stopped him. He took his leg back and she said "And, another thing... you've gotta remove your shoes and enter my kingdom." I could see Jeonha Seokjin getting fired up. His face became red with all the anger.

"What? You wanna enter my kingdom then you've gotta do this." She spoke.

"You say this to a king! How are you even a queen?!" Seokjin shouted.

"Well, it's simple. I'm the daughter of-"

"Stop! Don't say that."

"Fine then, since you're a king... I'll let you wear shoes but then not your shoes... WOMEN'S shoes." She said, smirking. I could see that she was totally enjoying this, making him angry. The king looked at her blankly. The queen snapped and called out my name. I understood what was she trying to say. I saw a small cottage nearby. I asked the old lady for her shoes and told her that I would return it back to her later. She gave me a pair of shoes and I went back to my spot. The queen said "What are we waiting for Kookieana? Give Jeonha Seokjin the shoes."

Did you really have to come here Jeonha?

I placed the shoes in front of him on the ground. I heard him whisper to me "You're doing a great job, Jungkook. And cute name."

I stayed silent. I went back to stand next to the queen. The king said "Do I really have to this? Am I not in a high position like you? Think about it Jina. You're gonna be regretting it then."

"I've thought about it already so stop wasting my time. I don't have all day to just stand here and argue. You're entering my kingdom so what I say goes. And... be happy that you're the first man to get out of this kingdom alive." She said, smiling mischievously.

He sighed out heavily. He looked at the shoes and then looked at her. He closed his eyes and just put on the shoes. He entered the kingdom and the ministers and his soldiers were about to follow him before the guards surrounded them holding spears in their hand.

While we were going back to the kingdom, the women came out of their houses and looked at us. I could see them laughing at Jeonha Seokjin. He couldn't take it anymore so he asked "How long am I going to keep walking like this? Can you at least take me on your horse?"

"No, my horse hates you."


Wow! Look at this! The king is begging her for a horse ride! I'm seriously enjoying this right now.

"Fine," she said, making the horse stop. I got down and Seokjin got on the horse's back. He sat behind her. He said "Tha-" But then before he could finish the horse was running so fast. I saw a horse nearby. I asked the woman whether I could borrow her horse and she allowed me to. I sat on the horse's back and hit the straps. The horse neighed before running through the kingdom. I saw that the queen had already reached the palace. 

I got off my horse and told one of the guards to return back the horse that I had borrowed from a woman. I entered the palace and saw only Jeonha Seokjin and the queen in the court. The queen saw me standing at the entrance and said "Kookieana, could you please leave us alone and close the doors?"

"Yes, Daebi-mama." I said, bowing down before leaving.

Jina's pov

I stood in front of him, smirking. It was so good to see him walk in those shoes. I asked "So, what brings you here?"

"Just wanted to check on you."

"On me?" I laughed out loud.

"Yes... and I see you've got a new minister."

"Wow! You know everything. Have you sent a spy here to spy on me?"

"No, no not at all. I wouldn't want an innocent man to die."

"But then that's what you've been doing over the years." There was silence for a while and asked "Are we done?"

"I guess so."

"Then... get out of my kingdom."

"Rude as ever...." He said, chuckling. I called one of my ministers to send him away.

Author's pov

Actually, Seokjin came to check out on JUNGKOOK. He wanted to check if there was any progress. But then it looked as if nothing had happened. There wasn't even a scar on her.

'What is he doing over there? Partying with her? I guess he needs some help. How about...' Seokjin thought.

He turned his gaze towards the minister who was walking next to him. She was being good towards him. She gave him back his shoes. Seokjin smirked. He cleared his throat and said "Do you like your queen?"

"Honestly... no. It's like she's kept us as prisoners here. I don't like it here. But then, where else can I go."

"Would you like to work for me?" She looked at him, astonished. "You seem pretty strong, young lady. I would love to have you work for me." They reached the gates and she said "I would love to, Jeonha Seokjin. What should I do?" He smirked and explained her everything. He told her about Jungkook in the palace, disguised as a woman. He told her to help him to kill the queen. The king was about to leave until when he turned around and asked her name.

"My name is Lisa." She said. 

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