Raven placed a single rose on top of the other's, a small tear escaped her eye and she quickly brushed it away.

"Did you know her?"

Raven turned her head quickly to see another girl standing next to her looking down at the rose she had just placed.

"No," Raven said quietly. She didn't want to have to explain to a stranger her connections to this person.

"Did you?" She asked the girl.

"Yeah, Olivia was one of my best friends. Almost like a sister to me" She sighed.

Raven felt her stomach clench at those words, she wasn't even sure why.

"They said it was a robbery gone wrong. I just don't get it. Who would want to hurt such an innocent person like Liv?" The girl ranted. Raven slid her hands into her pockets, she just now realized how extremely underdressed she was for this occasion.

While everyone else was wearing fancy suits and black dresses. She was wearing a hoodie and a pair of leggings. Honestly, she hadn't even known she was going to come. She kinda just hopped in the jet and took off.

"I'm sorry for your loss," Raven said honestly.

"Thank you"

Raven wasn't sure what to say next. She wanted to know more about Olivia's life. What better way than to ask one of her closest friends.

"Can you tell me about her?" She asked.
The girl seemed confused for a moment and Raven realized she had just asked a complete stranger to tell her about someone she had just said she didn't know. But then the girl nodded.

"Liv was-"

Raven spent the rest of the day listening to her sister's life being told through someone else's eyes.


It was dark when Raven returned to school and she didn't talk to anyone. She just went to her room and sat on her bed thinking.

She was glad that her sister had a pretty good life, but she was so disappointed in herself for not joining it sooner. She could have been there all those times but she wasn't. Raven placed her head in her hands, all these thoughts were making her brain hurt.

There was a light knock at the door which Raven ignored, she didn't really feel like talking to people right now.

Apparently, the person at the door didn't need an invitation, they just came in and closed the door behind them.

Pietro walked into the room. The first thing he saw was Raven sitting on the bed with her head in her hands.

He sat down carefully on the bed, she didn't look up from her hands.

"Raven?" He asked, cautiously placing a hand on her back.

She slowly lifted her head from her hands, her hair was partly covering her face so Pietro tucked it back behind her ear.

Her eyes were a little red but she wasn't crying, it seemed she was more stressed about something.

"What's wrong?"

Raven just shook her head a little and rubbed her eyes. "Nothing" She mumbled.

Pietro didn't believe her one bit.

Of course, he didn't, he wasn't stupid... sometimes.

"Raven, what's wrong?" He asked again. She closed her eyes and put her head down. Pietro cupped her cheek to open her eyes and look at him.

Love Bite (An Avengers/Pietro Maximoff fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now