My eyes widen at the sight. She knows what she's doing. I can tell by the way she smiles as she closes the gap between us.

When she's an inch away, she tip toes and reaches up to pull my hair out of my eye.

Jessica has always been a flirt. A perk and a problem, sometimes.

I lower my head and look down at her. She's tall but still feels short as she stands before me.

"You have something..." she jumps as my hand reaches her upper lip, "here," I say, using the pad of my thumb to wipe away the wine droplets from it.

My finger lingers longer than intended and I feel my cock stir inside my sweats.

My hand slowly trails down her chin, to her neck, and lingers at the front of her blouse where her nipples harden under my massaging palm and push against the thin, wet fabric.

She falls forward and moans softly as I grip them between my fingers and give them a firm squeeze.

I want to see her body's reaction to my provocative touch.

Something had certainly gotten into me tonight, I don't know what, but let us see how it plays out.

Jessica's eyes roll over as she sits and slumps into the soft couch. I watch with an amused smirk as she clenches and unclenches her thighs, I'm guessing in an effort to soothe the ache building between her legs.

Her nipples were always her sensitive spot.



"Lucas, please--"

"Shhh..." I silence her, even though I love hearing her beg.

"Oh, God!" she moans loudly, her head lolling backward into the headrest.

"Tell me if you want me to stop," I instruct her; my voice sounding dangerously low and raspy.

The taste of the wine still lingers in my throat.

Her only response is a timid whimper.

Good girl!

She knows me well.

Unlike with her, I don't have to worry about morals. Jessica is the type of girl who knows what she wants and has no qualms about taking it. Whether by force or otherwise.

"Baby..." her voice comes out soft and squeaky this time.

"Do you want me to stop, Jessica?" I growl and pinch her nipples harder. "Tell me now!"

She shakes her head and groans. I love how submissive her body is tonight.

My cocky stiffens.


She holds my stare.


That doesn't sound convincing to me. I want her to beg. "Are you sure?"

"Yes!" Jessica answers more firmly. Her face grows red; either from the effect of the liquor or from her frustration with me.

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