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"Let's drop you off home" Marcel opens the car door for Louis to get in. The boy gives Gemma a hug. "Make sure to ring me and I'll send you all the baby photos I have of these three" she jokes as they pull apart "I will don't worry" Gemma smiles and walks over to her car, waving before getting in.

Louis climbs into the car and they set off towards his. "Where does your mum think you've been" Edward questions from the passenger seat. "Niall's" Edward gives a slight disapproving look before facing the front again.

The rest of the car journey is silent with nothing but the sound of the radio. Marcel has his hand resting on top of Louis as they both look out opposite windows.

Soon enough Harry pulls up outside Louis house and the boy can't help but grimace slightly. "Lou question" Louis leans forward to see what Harry wants. "Did you step dad even go to rehab"

Louis is shocked by the question, he honestly thought they'd forgotten about the whole incident but obviously not. "Yeah he's still there right now" Harry nods and Louis gives Marcel and Edward a kiss before climbing out.

Harry rolls his window down and Louis leans against the door. "Thanks for the lift, I'll see you later" Louis gives Harry a kiss before pulling back. "Love yous" "we love you too" Louis kisses the man one last time, none of the four noticing the person in the window.

The brown haired boy walks up the drive way with a big smile across his face. Pushing the front door open he enters and takes his shoes off once shutting the door. "Louis" he hears his mum call out.

"Yeah it's me mum" he calls back before slipping his jacket off and hiding the bag with it, he doesn't want to deal with his mum asking about it.

Entering the kitchen he finds his mum standing at the sink washing the dishes. "We've you been"

"Niall's" she looks at the boy and raises her eyebrow as if to say 'don't lie to me'. "Mum I was at Niall's" She slams her gloves down and faces him with one hand on her hip and an eyebrow raised. "Don't lie to me boy, I wasn't born yesterday Louis. You think I didn't see you getting out of a car with your teachers inside. Or the kiss you happened to give them. Oh and where's the bag you had, I know I saw one"

Louis gulps heavily, this was not how he was going to tell his mum. "Mum let me explain"

"No we're going straight to the police and you're going to tell them they've been grooming you" Louis looks at his mum in shock. "Absolutely not, I'm 18 mum I can make my own decisions and they haven't groomed me. I was the one who pushed myself onto them not the other way around"

Jay raises an eyebrow at the boy and has a very unimpressed look. "Louis you'll do as I say"

"Will you listen to me woman, I'm not going to send the men that I'm in love with to jail, it won't happen. If it wasn't for them three I wouldn't be here right now mum, and I don't just mean the attack" Louis stares at the woman who's supposed to be his mum.

"Listen to yourself. Love" she laughs "you don't know the first thing about love"

"Yes mum love. I love them. They're everything to me. You know when you and Mark got together and you feel in love did you ever feel like you couldn't live without him? It's a feeling that you can't explain but it's there and it's the best feeling ever and the thought of losing them destroys you inside" Jay sighs and leans against the counter top.

"Get out" Louis stares at his mum in shock. "What" "you heard me Louis, I'm not going to be known as the mum who let her son fuck his teachers" Louis mouth falls open. "Seriously, first that happens, then I lose Liam and now you're kicking me out. The fuck have I don't to deserve this" his voice is raised but the tears are forming in his eyes.

"Tell me Jay, what the fuck have I done to deserve all this shit. I defended you from that man and got hit, I was beaten until I was almost dead,  Liam wants nothing to do with me and now you don't either" he yells at the woman who's just staring at her son.

"I can't fucking do this, I can't keep living like this mum. I just want to be happy, that's all I want" Louis feels his legs give in as he falls towards the floor. Collapsing to the ground he sobs into his hands as he crawls to lean on the wall. "Lou" h me heard a quiet voice but ignores it. Then he feels a set of arms wrap around him, trying to push away he isn't able to due to the grip on him.

Giving in he just cries and cries. Muttering 'I just wanna be happy' over and over as Lottie holds him close. Running her fingers through his hair as she flares at their mum.

"Why" is the last thing Jay hears her daughter say before she leaves the room. Leaning against the wall she listens to Lottie console her brother. Covering her mouth Jay let's the tears fall while listening to her son say how he wants to give up and not be here anymore. "Where did I go wrong" she lets her head fall against the wall before glancing at her phone and making a decision.

Right I feel awful for how much shit Louis has gone through but it will all make sense later. It should all be up hill though now.

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