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Weeks go by and the triplets ignore Louis.

"Harry" Louis stands in the room when all his class mates have left. "Yes Mr Tomlinson" is his reply and Louis let's put a deep sigh.

Harry looks up expectantly "Mr Tomlinson what do you want because I'm busy" He snaps and raises both his eyebrows. Louis swallows before shaking his head muttering 'nothing' and leaves the room.


"Umm...Marcel can I talk to you" Louis questions at the end of a lesson.

"Sorry I've got to go Mr Tomlinson" he mutters while grabbing his bag and walking past the younger boy and leaving the room. Causing tears to begin forming in Louis eyes.


"Edward please talk to me" he practically begs when they're alone. Edward glances up at the boy before going back to marking his students work. "Eddie please" he begs, his voice cracking slightly as Louis starts to cry.

"What is it Mr Tomlinson I'm trying to mark these" he sighs looking up and trying not to break while seeing the tears forming in the boys eyes.

"I'm sorry you know I wouldn't hurt you or your brothers like that" Louis let's out in a quiet voice and Edward just looks at him.

"Please leave Mr Tomlinson"


Louis sighs as the last bell goes and he packs up his books from his lesson. "Marcel please" he looks at the older man while he wraps his coat around him.

"Mr Tomlinson..." "Marcel please talk to me" He holds his arms around himself tightly, feeling suddenly very exposed. "Louis I'm sorry" he gulps before grabbing his coat and bags before carefully pushing past the boy and leaving the room.

Louis leans against a desk and wills the tears away before pushing himself up and walking out of the classroom. "Louis" Niall says but he just ignores his friend and walks out of the school.

Walking down the street, his heels clicking against the ground. Up ahead he sees a group of boys around his age so he decides to cross the road. He turns down an alleyway. But they cross as well and follow him.

"Oh look it's the fucking freak" one of them yells and pulls him back by his bag, then they all surround the smaller boy. "Excuse me I've got to get home" he tries pushing past but they don't allow him to pass.

Louis sighs and mentally prepares for what's about to happen. Then it does the first blow to his jaw lands harshly. Louis groans but doesn't allow himself to fall. Swinging back at the boy but that was a bad idea. Even after hitting the boy square in the nose, he's pushed to the ground and kicked across the face.

Blood dripping from his mouth as he feels another kick to his ribs, and another and another. He loses count of how many hits he receives as he lays there on the floor, hands covering his head.

Blood dripping from his mouth and nose. After a few more hits the beating stops and he hears many footsteps retreating. After laying there for a few minutes he lifts his head and sees that all the boys have ran away. Grabbing his phone he sees the screen is smashed and his bag torn.

Noticing he's not far from the triplets house he pushes his aching body up, not wanting to lay there any longer. He knows it's probably a dumb idea going to theirs but it's safety and that's all he wants right now.

Stumbling down the short alleyway on to their street, he leans against a wall while holding his aching ribs. One eye swollen making his vision slightly impaired. Taking a deep painful breath he pushes himself off of the wall and limps down the street.

When reaching the driveway of their house he sees all of their cars are there. Pushing open the gate, he stumbles up the few stairs before falling against the door. His entire body slowly giving into the pain as the adrenaline dies down.

Knocking slightly he falls onto the side wall and tries to keep himself up. The door opens up and he really can't tell which triplet it is but he hears them saying his voice. But before anything response can be given he falls forward and collapses into the mans arms.

Double update. Trying to get as much written because I'll be busy most of the week, might get an update out Friday if I'm not doing much.

Hope you all enjoy and don't be to angry with this cliffhanger.

Habit//Louis + Styles tripletsWhere stories live. Discover now