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"Where the fuck is he, I need him for this" Edward snaps as Harry try's to calm him down. "He's on his way" Finally they hear the tapping of heels. They look at each other confused and then they see Louis push the door open. "He's wearing a skirt" Marcel mutters and Harry smiles so wide before running at the boy and picking him up.

"I'm so proud of you" he mutters as he spins them both around. "Put me down H" Louis chuckles and Harry places him on the ground. "So proud" he mutters before pressing their lips together. "I love you" Harry pulls back in shock before bringing their lips together again, muttering a "I love you too" against Louis lips.

"Now come on" They walk back over to the others and Louis kisses the other two before looking around the place. "It's really coming together isn't it" he smiles as he runs his hand across the stripper table. It's like a clear black on top and red around the sides. A pole reaching the roof, three of these around the room with black chairs surrounding each.

Chuckling Louis pushes himself up onto one of the tables and looks around the room. The bar now being a dark red and lights behind all the alcohol making it all different colours.

Louis runs his hand up the pole as he swings himself around it. His vision finally becoming reality.

"Lou come look over here" Jumping off of the table Louis heads over to where Edward and Marcel are standing. They pull back the red curtains. Louis is met with the new VIP area. It's got a red sofa going all the way across the wall, black tables placed in front of them as well as a few chairs opposite them.

There's also the cages with swings on each side.  Red lights placed above each of them. Louis smirks and runs over to one of them. Opening the back he climbs into it.

Laughing Louis sits on the swing while pushing himself slightly. "Come on we aren't done yet" Harry helps him get out and then guides Louis over to a door. When it's opened Louis is met with a dark red lighten staircase.

"Go on" He walks down the stairs carefully and then met with a door at the bottom. Harry covers his eyes before the door opens and he guides the boy into the room. "Keep them closed" He feels Harry move away but keeps his eyes closed.

Louis can hear him moving around, then feels another set off hands on his eyes. "Hey baby"

"Marcel" Louis breathes out and hears a light chuckle against his ear. "The one and only. You ready" Louis nods and can feel the smile on Marcels face.

Marcel removes his hands and Louis slowly opens his eyes. He looks around the room and his jaw drops. It's exactly how he imagined it. One wall having seating and then he turns and sees the rest of the room. There's a corridor where there's rooms.

The first two having one way glass. He looks in the first one, it has a bed and many different sex toys. Then into the other where he sees a wooden cross instead of a bed but again many different sex toys.

Walking down the corridor, he opens the door to one of the others. In there it has a sex swing, and a spanking bench. All the rooms are filled with different sex toys. "It's exactly how I thought it would be" He turns and sees Marcel smiling at him.

Walking over he wraps his arms around the mans neck and pulls them closer together. "I'm glad your happier" Louis leans in and kisses me man. "It's all thanks to you three Marcie" Marcel shakes his head and places it into the crook of Louis neck.

They stand there for a few moments, just swaying slightly. "Come on, let's head back upstairs" Marcel takes a hold of Louis hand and guides him back up the red lighten stairs.

Reentering the room they find Edward and Harry sat at one of tables. Walking over Louis leans against Edwards back as he wraps his arms around the mans neck. "So Lou what you going on to do now" Harry questions as Marcel sits down next to him.

"Uhh...Uni, studying law with criminology" he says while pulling the chair out next to Edward and taking a seat. "Which uni"

Louis rubs the back of his neck "Sheffield Hallam" the other three look at him slightly shocked because he'd never said anything about uni. "Sheffield's a good uni for law. What you wanting to do, criminal law?" Marcel tries to break the tension that's beginning to grow.

"Yeah something like that" he nods and smiles but Louis can tell that the smile is forced. "Well you'll do amazing" Edward kisses the side of his head. "Yeah" the blue eyed boys voice is quiet. "When do you start"

Looking up Louis makes eye contact with Harry who's trying his hardest to not show how upset he is that Louis will be moving. "End of August, we have a week to get settled and get to know the area. You know me going to uni wouldn't change anything"

The other three look at each other before looking back towards the boy. "We know"

Question: do you guys want some fairly intense smut in a couple of chapters of no?

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