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^Louis uniform without the earrings

"Hey you heard about the new teachers" Louis best mate Niall questions while he kicks the ball against the wall. "Nope. What do they teach" Louis glances at the faux blonde before looking off into the distance. That's when he spots three identical looking men.

One has long brown curly hair which reaches just below his shoulders. Wouldn't mind gripping at that Louis thinks while he looks the mans body up and down. This man is wearing a pair of black slacks and a white button up, the first three buttons undone.

The one with slightly shorter hair, it's not as long as the first or as short as the third catches Louis eye. This man is wearing a black and white floral shirt, a pair of black skinny jeans and a pair of brown boots. His collar bones can be seen through the top of his top as well as two swallow tattoos.

Moving onto the third man, Louis finds him already looking at him. This mans hair is much shorter than the other two. He's wearing a pair of grey slacks and a white button up, as well as a black tie. As well as glasses framing his face nicely. Getting tied up with that while he touches me everywhere,yes please.

"Louis did you hear a word I said" Niall's voice bring him out of the slight trance he was in. "Nah" Louis grabs a lolly from his bag, unwrapping it and placing it in his mouth. Sucking around it sensually.

"I was saying, that the new teachers are teaching Higher English, Criminology and Music, all the lessons you take. They're apparently proper fit" Louis just hums because he can agree with that. He sucks on a lollipop while looking at the new teachers speaking to one of the maths teachers. Niall follows Louis gaze after seeing the little glint of mischief Louis gets when he thinks about doing something and shakes his head.

"Tommo no, teachers are off limits" Niall grabs his bag throwing it over his shoulder. "Hey I didn't say anything about sleeping with them, teasing them is another thing. Anyway I'm 18 so" Louis takes Niall's hand as he pulls him to a standing position.

"Lou no. Students fine yeah whatever, teachers no" Niall shakes his head disapprovingly. Niall doesn't usually care what Louis does in his spare time but he's not going to risk him getting in trouble because he finds these teachers attractive.

"Whatever Niall. I've got to go" Louis struts through the school doors, heels clicking against the tiled floor. He's wearing a white button up that's tucked into his black and white plaid skater skirt. He also has a pair of black knee high socks on which are being held up by two garters on each of his thick thighs. All of this contrasts well against his tanned skin. He looks incredible as always and has the grades to match.

However, Louis Tomlinson is on a very fine line between what's good and what's bad.

Once Louis arrives at his English class. Entering the room he flops in one of the seats towards the back of the classroom. "Morning class, I'm Mr Styles but please call me Marcel I'm not the biggest fan of formalities" Marcel turns and faces the class. His eyes skin over the room until they fall on the blue eyed boy who caught his attention earlier. Marcels breath hitches slightly before he composes himself.

"Now as you know this is higher English and so that means that you will have to work harder than most people" Marcel is then interrupted by some high pitched voice saying "Tomlinslut may as well leave now then"

"Wanna say that again" Louis's head turns quickly towards none other than Kate Johnson. "What it's not like you could get in this class. Probably slept with someone for it" The long blonde haired girl sneers towards Louis.

"Now Miss Johnson is it" she nods and Marcel just nods before carrying on "you do know that you had to write an essay which I graded myself. Now it was marked out of 100 and why don't you tell us what you got"

Habit//Louis + Styles tripletsWhere stories live. Discover now