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"Detention time" Louis cheers sarcastically as he walks nearer to the classroom with Ashton and Niall. "Call me if you need picking up, alight" Niall hugs the boy and Louis relaxes into his best mates arms. "Will do Nialler" Niall pulls back with a smile and walks away with Ashton.

Louis takes a deep breath before knocking on Marcels door. He hears a quiet 'come in'. When he enters he sees Marcel and Edward in the room. "Take a seat" Marcel points to a chair and Louis just walks over a flops into it. He really isn't the mood for any of this. There's a few minutes of silence and then Harry enters shutting the door. He spots the smaller boy sitting in a chair, seemingly lost in though.

"Louis you okay" Harry questions clutching in front of the table. This snaps Louis' gaze away from the Shakespeare poster and to Harry's eyes that are filled with worry. "Yeah, nothing I haven't heard before" Louis shrugs as he grabs a lolly from his bag, not caring what Marcel thinks.

"That doesn't make it okay" Louis just shrugs and leans back in the chair, crossing his legs at the ankle. Harry just shakes his head before standing tall and walking over to his brother. "Everything okay" Edward questions and puts a hand on Harry's back. "Yeah just some comments where made in lesson which upset him" "did he kick off" Harry nods his head and Edward moves his gaze to the blue eyes beaut.

"Don't blame him really. They where taking digs at his family" Harry whispers so Louis can't hear either of them.

"Louis don't you have work to be doing" Marcel brings all three of them to his attention. "Nope" Louis says around the lolly. "I know you've got an essay from me and work from Harry so" Louis just looks at the man as he moves he's tongue around the lolly before pulling it out with a pop.

"I've done your essay and I'm already far ahead in Harry's work so I would like a break from work" Marcel raises his eyebrow and Harry looks slightly shocked but proud at the same time.

"Let us see" Louis rummages in his bag and pulls out the English folder. Going to the section for his essays he pulls it out and stands up. Walking to Marcels desk he places it down. "Before you sit down but that in the bin, I've told you about eating in here" Marcel points to the bin and Louis just keeps his gaze on him.

"Sorry I just focus better when my mouth is full" Louis hears all of their breaths hitch and walks over to the bin, throwing the sweet away. "You know it's a little pathetic how badly you're trying to get our attention" Edward breaks the silence that had fallen upon them and stands up to move in front of Louis.

"Pathetic hmm, I could get any dick I want. Why would I pine after yours?" Louis gives him an innocent smile before moving past him, not before letting his hand gently brush against Edwards cock. Edwards body tensed as he watches the boy sit down.

"Surely you're sick of all that underage sex though. I mean little boys surely can't be that good"Edward stands in front of the table. Louis' eyes gaze up and down the man before meeting his eyes. "Oh if it wasn't that good I wouldn't be fucking them would I" Louis isn't fazed by whatever Edward is trying to do.

"Watch your language. You're still in a school" Marcel snaps. "Yeah school. My language isn't the worse things I've done or what you've done. Getting jealous over me kissing someone. Tut" Louis moves his gaze to Marcel and then Harry who's just sitting back watching the scene in front of him unfold. "Or looking up my skirt Marcie and don't think I didn't spot you looking Edward"

"I'd shut that pretty little mouth of yours if I was you" Edward moves closer to Louis and this causes Louis' heart rate to speed up slightly. He won't admit this to anyone but he does get nervous around these men.

Make me

"Make me" Louis says before he can stop himself. His eyes widen as he realises what he just said and Edward laughs. Before Louis realised Edwards hand is around his throat, pulling him to his feet. He gulps and Edward can feel that below his hand. He can also feel Louis pulse rate quicken beneath his hand.

Louis loves being manhandled and chocked, putting them together and he becomes putty.

"I'd love to darling but you haven't been good enough" he mutters, his breath dancing against Louis lips. Harry and Marcel sit off to the side and watch the scene in front of them. Edward let's go and Louis body falls back into the chair. "Times up Lou" Marcel tells him and Louis sits there flustered. Nodding he grabs his back and runs out the door.

"You surely got him flustered there Eddie" Harry laughs as he puts an arm around his brothers neck. "It was fun" Edward chuckles putting an arm around his brothers waist and Harry just cuddles into his shoulder. Harry's always been a cuddler, Edward not so much but it's hard to resist his younger brother.

"You know this essay is incredible. He got it assigned two days ago and has already completed it to a standard above this class" Marcel leans back as he drops his pen and moves his glasses to rub his eyes. "He's smart what do you expect" Harry moves his head to look at his older brother.

"Yeah but this goes above this class. He's definitely setting standards high and will get the highest grade by the end of the year. If his poetry writing and creative writing is as good as this he's guaranteed top grades" Marcel is slightly shocked by this. He's never had a student who's so good. It shocks him how incredibly smart Louis is, not that he's surprised that the boy is good because he seems to be good at everything but he didn't expect him to be this good.

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