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"Lou, could we talk" the Irish voice sounds from behind Louis as he stands at his locker. Taking a deep breath Louis turns around and is met with the face of his best friend, his annoying best friend. Niall is sporting a black and blue bruise on his jaw from where Louis had punched him. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have said what I did"

Louis pulls the dumb Irish blonde into his arms and holds him tight. "I know you didn't, sorry about hitting you" Louis pulls back and takes a hold of Niall's face and turns it so he can examine the jaw. "I deserved it" they both chuckle as Louis shakes his head.

"Friday, we're going to the club" Niall states as they wander down the corridor. Them both instantly falling into their usual banter. "Seriously Ni" Niall just nods as they enter Edwards classroom. "Yeah you need to get laid, when was the last time you fucked someone"

"Language Mr Horan" Edward snaps from his desk. "Sorry Mr Styles"

"It will have been Friday last week, you're right Ni. I think this is the longest I've gone without having sex" Louis and Niall take a seat and Niall has a massive face splitting grin on his face. "So you're down" Louis just nods as he faces the front of the classroom.

"Morning class, so today we're going to be looking at brain abnormalities and why head injuries maybe a reason why crimes are committed" Edward goes on to speak about different reasons and going through the slides on the screen.

Everyone in the room copying up notes that are needed. "Now does anyone know the reasonings around this" nobody puts their hand up.

"Tomlinson do you know" Louis glares at the man. "If there's damage to a part of the brain this means they may have higher aggression levels, or they may lack empathy or guilt, this means they do have feelings of guilt when they commit the crime. They lack the ability of feeling these emotions and understanding that what they're doing is wrong" Louis explains as he leans back in the chair and looks towards the older curly haired man.

Finally the bell rings and people start making their way out of the classroom.


"Fucking hell move" Louis whispers through gritted teeth. The boy finally starting to thrust into Louis at a fast pace. Louis entire body relaxes from pleasure. His hands gripping at the table as the thrusts speed up, skin slapping together. Fuck he's needed this.

Suddenly the door opens and Louis eyes widen as he's met with Marcels face. "You out" Marcel points at the boy who's mortified. "Mr Styles I'm so sorry" "leave now and nothing will happen"

The boy rushes out the room, his belt still undone as he runs out. Louis rolls his eyes as he fixes himself and leans against the back wall.

"Sex in school Mr Tomlinson is not tolerated" Marcel stands with the door open looking into the ocean blue eyes that belong to the one and only Louis Tomlinson. "Neither is kissing a student but ya know"

Marcel steps forward as Louis pushes himself off of the wall and standing looking up at his teacher. "I could get you in serious trouble for this Tomlinson" "and I could get you in trouble for kissing me Styles"

"Go to lesson" Marcel points out the door and Louis just laughs shaking his head as he bends down to pick up his bag. "Goodbye Sir" Louis smiles innocently as he walks past, a hand gliding across Marcels cock. Before he can pull it away Marcel has taken a hold of his hand. "Tease me again and you'll be punished little one" he whispers against Louis ear, before releasing the boys arm and walks away.

Marcel makes his way to find Edward seen as he knows that Harry has a lesson and Edward doesn't. Entering the classroom he can see his older clone sat at his desk marking some work, a stressed look written across his face.

"What's wrong Eddie" Marcel asks as he walks around to stand in front his brother. "This work, none of them understand what they're doing. Like Louis is the only person who seems to get it" Edward reaches out and pulls his brother forward before nuzzling his head into the younger ones neck, his entire body instantly relaxing at the scent of his brother.

"It's okay, you'll get it. Just go back over it all darling" Marcel runs his fingers through Edwards hair, as he feels Edward relax even more. He's always stressed over stuff, he seems so chilled and like nothing bothers him but just like Marcel, Edward is a worrier. He worries about his brothers, his students and now Louis.

"I know I know, it's just annoying" pulling Edwards face back Marcel places a gentle peck on the boys lips. "Take a breather and just relax for a second Eddie" Edward nods as he takes a deep breath and leans back into his chair, pulling Marcel with him so he's sitting in his lap.

"You know I caught Louis having sex before coming here, I've never seen a boy run away faster" Marcel laughs as he leans back to look at his brothers face. "Who Louis or the boy who was fucking him"

"Well we both know it wouldn't of been Louis" Edward chuckles shaking his head before wrapping his arm around Marcels waist and continues to mark the work.

Harry enters the room and sees his brothers curled into one and other. A small smile settling across his face as neither of them have noticed him yet as he stands in the doorway. Just watching his brothers cuddle.

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