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"Where was you during lunch" Liam asks. They're all in Liams bedroom currently. They're having a gaming and pizza night. "Busy" Louis just smiles and nobody asks questions. People don't question when Louis tells them he was busy because that usually means he was having sex with someone.

Louis pulls out his phone from the bag and sees a small note in one of his books. Pulling it out he sees it's a number written in Edwards handwriting. He laughs before typing it into his phone and sitting back on Liams bed, while grabbing a slice of pizza.

'Giving me your number,is that even allowed' Louis sends the message to Edward before shutting his phone off and watches Liam and Niall racing each other on Mario.

'Don't know what you mean Mr Tomlinson' Louis just shakes his head and bites his lip trying to hide his smirk. 'Don't you Mr Styles' Louis then puts his phone down and watches Niall and Liam play wrestling on the floor. Then there's a knock at the door. Louis gets up leaving the others and heads down stairs. Opening the front door he's met with Zayn Malik. "Hi Zayn, didn't expect you to be here. Uhh...come in" Zayn steps in and Louis leads him up the Liams room.

"Liam you've got a visitor" Liam looks up and freezes slightly when he sees Zayn. "Hi Zayn" "hi" Louis and Niall look at each other and try to not laugh. Then Louis phone goes off. Niall launches himself and grabs it before Louis can.

"Let's see who you've been messaging" Niall laughs before turning Louis phone off. "Seriously" Niall raises an eyebrow and holds Louis phone up. Louis snatched his phone from Niall. "I told you it's nothing Niall" Liam stands there with a slight disappointed look and Zayn stands there with a confused look.

"Louis you can't get involved with them" Niall knows it's none of his business but he refuses to let Louis get in trouble because of these teachers and he won't let them lose their jobs because of a student. "I'm not involved with them Horan. I got his number for work purposes okay"

"Louis for once in your life don't be such a fucking slut and keep it in your fucking pants" Niall shouts at him and before anyone knows it Louis fist collided with Niall's face. "Fuck you Niall" Louis grabs his bag and walks out of the room. He rushes down the creaky stairs.

"Lou wait" Liams voice sounds down the stairs as he runs down them. Finding Louis sliding his shoes on. "Go away Liam" Louis finishes tying up his heeled boots.

"I'll see you at school" is the last thing Louis says before walking out the house. Liam storms back up the stairs to the bedroom. When he enters he finds Zayn holding a wet cloth to Niall's face. "I deserved it didn't I" Liam just nods and sits down next to Niall. "You know he can handle those comments from others but not his best mate" Liam explains and Niall just nods and lowers his head. He feels like shit after saying that and regretted what he said as soon as that sentence left his mouth.

Louis walks down the street and groans once the rain starts to fall. He knows he shouldn't have punched Niall but he couldn't help it in the moment he was so upset and angry when he said it. Louis rushes under a bus shelter and pulls out his phone. There's a message from his mum telling him that she's not home and will have to stay at Liams.

He lets his head fall back against the glass because he really doesn't want to go back to Liams but now he doesn't have a choice. Instead of heading straight back he keeps walking. The rain soaking his hair and through his clothes. "Louis" he hears his name being called and looks sideways and sees Harry over the road with the window down.

Louis checks the street and rushes over. "Yeah" he leans in the window slightly. "What you doing" Harry is confused as hell. He's looking at the usual brown fluffy hair sticking against the tanned skin, his blue eyes glistening from tears.

"Walking" Louis shrugs. "What's wrong" Louis lowers his eyes to the passenger seat. "I punched Niall" he mutters and Harry is shocked to say the least. "We was at Liams and he said something that really upset me so I just swung for him and stormed out. My mum isn't home meaning I can't get in but I don't want to go back to Liams because I might lose my temper again and I don't want to do that. So I'll just walk in the rain until my mum gets home"

Harry sits there listening and decides what he should do. "Come on get in" he unlocks the car and leans over to open the passenger door. "I'll soak your car" Harry just shakes his head and grabs Louis arm and gently tugs him so he'll get in the car. Louis reluctantly climbs in and shuts the door.

His body instantly starts to heat up and he places his hands over the heaters and rubs his hands together to try and warm them up. Harry notices this and reaches over to take Louis small hands in his. Cupping them he holds them tightly and brings them up to his lips. "Do you want to come wait at ours until your mum gets home" Harry asks in a quiet voice.

"I don't want to be a bother" "you won't" Louis just nods and Harry has a massive smile on his face before releasing Louis hands and starting the car.

Habit//Louis + Styles tripletsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora