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"Morning wankers" Louis struts into the canteen Monday morning, bruise covered up with makeup. "Where did you disappear to this weekend" Liam questions as Louis sits down with his tea in his hand.

"Somewhere" Louis winks and Liam shakes his head before turning to talk to Niall. The triplets enter the room and Louis makes eye contact with Edward, Edward smirks before turning away and ordering something. "Did you fuck anyone Friday Lou"

"Yeah" Liam and Niall look at him obviously wanting more details. "Any good"

Louis spots the triplets walking in the direction of their table. "Fucking amazing, would definitely do it again, I mean massive dick" Louis gives a mischievous look as he sees a slight smirk fall across Harry's face as they walk past, Edward is surprisingly trying not to laugh and Marcel just shakes his head.

"Ashton usual at break" Louis raises his eyebrows suggestively and Ashton nods before walking away to do whatever he's doing. The loud shrieking sound of the bell sounds throughout the room. "Gotta get to English"

Marcel is waiting on his classroom for his class to arrive. Eventually people start filling into the classroom and begin to take their seats. He's thankful that his class is fairly small. He only has 14 students so that makes everything easier on him.

"Morning class, so I've marked the essays that you had due and overall I'd say they're good but a lot of them need improving" Marcel begins to hand them out. "See me after class" he tells Louis.

Louis nods and takes the essay from his teachers hand. He sees that he's 3 marks off of having having full marks. Smiling slightly he places it on the table before grabbing a different coloured pen and going through to correct what needs to be corrected.

"Right so we will begin with the text we're studying this year" Marcel hands out the book they will be reading, The Kite Runner, "so before we begin we will start off with speaking about some issues that that are spoken about in this book as well as I'm giving a warning now there are some tough scenes so if anyone needs to take some time outside please go ahead"

Marcel then begins to go through the slideshow up until the bell rings signalling it's now break time. "Can we hurry this up I've got somewhere to be" Louis asks as the last student leaves the room and shuts the door.

"If by that you mean you're going to fuck someone in a closet then no I won't hurry up" Marcel gives him a sarcastic smile before letting his face drop into a unimpressed look.

"Listen Marcel I can do what I want and that also means fuck who I want" Louis places his hand against Marcels desk and slightly challenges the older man. Marcel rolls his eyes and stands up leaning forward, very unimpressed by Louis attitude. "If I was you I'd stop it with that pretty mouth of yours before I do something about it"

"Hmm...you see all of you keep saying that shit, that if I don't pack it in then you'll do something but yet none of you have done anything" Louis leans further forward as he looks into the older mans eyes that are framed by his glasses.

"You don't want to know Louis" "maybe I do" Marcel sits back in his seat as he crosses his arms and looks at the boy. Louis walks around and hops up to sit on Marcels desk, legs spread so Marcel gets a full view. Cocking his eyebrow Marcel just looks up at the boy through his long eyelashes. "Maybe one day, now let's get on with why you're actually here"

Louis jaw goes slack slightly as he watches Marcel just change the topic so quickly like that. "I just wanted to say well done on that essay, you was the top of the class. Apart from a couple of little errors if was perfect and I can't wait to see what else you can do"

"You still coming round tonight" Louis nods and grabs his bag. "Alright, remember you're always welcome. Thanks, that all" Marcel nods and dismisses the boy. Looking up slightly Marcel watches as Louis walks out of his classroom, thighs moving slightly due to the movement of his legs, his arse barely visible from the bottom of his skirt.

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