Chapter 112🔞

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Simply acting like she knew the noblewomen when she talked to them was not an easy task.

"Duchess, have you been well?"

"Countess, it has been a while."

Countess Glenn has been at her parent's home, away from the capital, for a while due to her mother's illness. The Countess' return was either because her mother's illness had gotten better, or because it had gotten worse, and the latter case was more likely.

As expected, when Lisa asked, the Countess replied with a dull smile. Lisa comforted the Countess. And after they were done greeting each other, the Countess introduced the young lady that was standing next to her.

"This is my distant relative from my hometown."

As soon as Lisa heard the introduction of Sonia, daughter of Baron Park, her expression stiffened.

'She's that woman.'

The woman who was her husband's wife in her future dream. Lisa vividly remembered the Duchess who went around the social activities with an aloof expression on her face. Lisa did not know that she would meet the woman this soon, so her mind was not prepared at all.

"It is an honor to meet you, Duchess."

She was a young lady with a cute, cheerful smile and curly hair. Sonia smiled shyly, different from how Lisa remembered. Her attitude revealed her inexperience in socializing as her eyes wandered everywhere, fascinated by the luxurious party. It was a huge contrast to the figure that swept through parties and events in Lisa's dream.

Lisa felt like her body had gone stone cold from her fingertips. She had not felt this dreadful when she encountered the Count of Matin. It was in a different future, but it was still a woman whom her husband had personally chosen and married.

There was no way of ever knowing how the relationship between her husband and the Duchess was in her dream. It could have been a simple contract marriage like the rumors claimed, or perhaps they were a closer couple than that.

It was a future that would never come to pass in reality. Even though Lisa knew that, she had a terrible bitter taste in her mouth.

In the carriage that was taking her home, along with her husband who came to pick her up, Lisa's mood continued to be low.

"Did something happen?"

Lisa merely shook her head. She was mad at him for no reason. She felt like if she opened her mouth, she would get irritated at him. There was a part of her that knew that she was in a very strange state. She felt that she would feel better when she got some sleep.

"I'm tired. I will go to bed early."

Jungkook left his wife alone for the time being when he saw that she was acting different from usual. He thought to himself that if she continued to be this 'spiky' when she woke up, he would thoroughly dig into why she was like that.


The surroundings were dark when Lisa opened her eyes. The tears refused to stop flowing and her whole body trembled. He had coldly turned around in front of her and left.

It was a dream, but when she recalled that scene, it felt like a sharp awl was stabbed into her heart and she couldn't breathe. She fumblingly crawled down the bed.

'I have to...I have to see him. Where is he?'

Lisa opened the bedroom door noisily and ran, with only the thought of seeing him on her mind. It felt like someone was calling her but she couldn't hear it properly.

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