Chapter 16

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He grasped Lisa's chin and intimately kissed her lips. Her lips parted slightly as he slid his warm tongue in. Their breath grew hectic as their kiss deepened. His technique was mind-numbing.

Lisa's vision blurred from the rising heat inside her. She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around Jungkook as their intense kissing went on. While seated, he hoisted Lisa up onto the table with ease, all while continuing to kiss her.

Within the quiet dining room, the only thing that could be heard was the sound of their lips and breaths. He swallowed her plum like lips while taking over the inside of her mouth. His kiss caused a stir throughout her whole body. Her weak arms that held onto his shoulders trembled.

After their enduring kiss ended, he lightly pecked her swollen lips. He trailed his pecks down to her neck while firmly taking hold of her breast beneath her clothes. He took this opportunity to separate her legs apart with his knee, but that caused Lisa great shock and she pushed him away with all her strength using both hands.

"You're planning to do it he- here?"

He didn't have such plans, but when Jungkook saw how flustered she was, he wanted to continue teasing her.

"I can't?"


"Why not? If your reasoning is logical, I'll let you go."

"It's not proper to do these sorts of things in a place where we di- dine!"

He momentarily stopped painting his kisses across her neck and laughed.

"How about somewhere else then? How does the hallway sound?"


"How about the garden? I want to try doing it outside."

"Are you crazy?"

Upon a new found reaction from her, he tried his best to muffle his laughter and casually continued to question her.

"Why not?"

"People will see!"

"Will it be fine as long as nobody can see? Why don't I send everyone in this castle out, then it will be fine to do it outside or in the hallway, right?"


Her face was flushed red as she bit her lips. If nobody was there? It shouldn't matter then. It wasn't like it was her first time and she had done all sorts of things in the bedroom. What would it matter if the location was different?

She learned thoroughly in the past month that there were countless different ways of being intimate with one another. At first, she wanted to die because she felt so embarrassed, but she could now understand why people strove for sex with such passion. It didn't mean that she was willing to roll in bed with any stranger, but they were a married couple. Whatever they did in their own time in the bedroom shouldn't matter to anybody.

Jungkook waited expectantly for her shocked expression. But when she actually seriously thought over the matter, it felt like she had punched him in the face.

LISA [Liskook]✔️Where stories live. Discover now