Chapter 66

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"A New Life"

Mahir quickly came changing his outfit and looked himself in the mirror. He went to there room balcony slightly decorating it with a few lights and arranged the table for there lunch along with the cake he prepared.

He already asked Vish to send Bela to the there room and was walking to and fro waiting for her.

"Mahir ji", Bela called out

"Finally Bela", Mahir quickly took her in his arms

"I'm so sorry, I know I did a grave mistake.. I don't know how it just skipped my mind, sorry na.. you know I'm always like this, please don't be angry at me.. I was dying to see you since morning", Mahir said pulling her more into himself

"Let me breath", Bela whispered

"Oh sorry", Mahir backed off

"Happy Second Anniversary Mahir ji", Bela smiled

"Oh yeah, Happy Anniversary Bela", Mahir kissed her forehead

"I'm still angry at you, how could you forget like that?", Bela pouted

"Um sorry Bela, I don't know.. it just happened", Mahir ruffled his hair

"By the way, where were you till now?", Mahir asked

"I went to get the physical copy of your Anniversary gift", Bela glared

"What's physical copy?", Mahir asked confused

"Nothing, I'll tell only after I forgive you.. and I just said I'm still angry at you", Bela frowned

"Ok ok fine, I'm ready for it.. but come let's have lunch together, also I have made something for you", Mahir grinned

Bela looked confused and Mahir held her hand taking her forward with him and opened the cake making bela's eyes go wide open.

"Chocolate cake? You made it?", Bela asked surprised

"Umm yes", Mahir replied sheepishly

"God this looks funny", Bela laughed

"Yeah kinda, it's ok let's cut it Bela", Mahir said

Bela nodded and Mahir held Bela's hand cutting the cake together. Mahir first took the peice of it and forwarded towards Bela.

Bela smiled at his gesture and ate it from his hand but immediately her expressions change tasting it. Here Mahir was curious to know how it tasted and was getting impatient when Bela wasn't telling anything.

"How it Bela", Mahir asked

"It's quite brunt and bitter but it's ok, it's still edible", Bela laughed

She then forwarded a peice feeding Mahir and he immediately drank water unable to taste it.

"God Bela how did you even eat? This tastes so bad.. it's completely burnt and how come it's bitter?", Mahir asked making a face

"How will I know? May be you added less sweet and more cocoa powder?", Bela laughed

"Yeah that I did, I added more water so..", Mahir said

"It's ok Mahir ji, but I'm impressed.. you tried for me for the first time, that itself is more for me.. thank you", Bela hugged him

"I love you Bela", Mahir said

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