Chapter 15

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"Lost In You"

Bela went home and locked herself in the room. She wasn't feeling good since the time mahir fainted,she felt the incident when she saw her parents lying unconscious with a pool of blood infront of her eyes.

Flashback :

It was when Bela was 10 and Vish was 9 year old. They had a happy and a normal family. They all were returning back home along with her uncle, Rohini's husband.

"Dad please stop here, I wanna buy a chocolate", asked Bela

"Sure princess, take Vish also along with your and buy what you want", said her dad

Smiling, Bela and Vish got down the car and went to the nearby shop while the rest stayed in the car parked to a side.

"Di please buy milk chocolates for me unlike dark chocolates which you like", Vish frowned

"Don't frown darling, you choose and go to the car.. I'll pay and come ok?", Bela asked smiling

Vish nodded and after choosing Vish went out and Bela was paying the bill. She was just gonna pay when she heard Vish's voice calling her loud.

Worried of what happened she quickly rushed out and saw there car crashed to the nearby tree. Fresh tears formed in her eyes seeing the scene infront of her, for a few seconds she couldn't even understand what had just happened.

Realising, she went forward and tried waking her mom and dad but when none moved all she could do was cry more.

She dint know how this happened, there car was parked to a side then how come it faced an accident? But right there she was blank and couldn't think any further.

Flashback ends.

Seeing Bela crying Vish came forward and hugged her tight.

"Di please don't cry, tell me what happened.. is everything alright?", Vish asked worried for Bela

"I'm fine Vish, just remembered something.. don't worry about me, did your eat any?", Bela asked

"Yes di, you were thinking about mom dad right?", Vish asked

Bela simply nodded her head and Vish too had tears in her eyes by then.

"You always say right, that you are always there for me.. likewise I'm also always there for you Di, never cry thinking of all that again", Vish said wiping bela's tears

The duo shared a tight hug.


Next morning, mahir came down getting ready for his office and went near the dining for his breakfast. Today also he was getting late and din't had enough time to eat but he knew after what happened yesterday he can't skip eating now.

He served himself and was confused as there was quite less food, as if it's all for him alone. Confused, he called his mom to which Sumi came down from her room.

"Why is it very less food mom? Did you all already ate?", Mahir asked confused

"It's karva chauh today mahir, so kuhu ate early morning today.. and yuvi said he's going out with his friends.. also feeling hungry I too ate along with kuhu, so the breakfast now is only for you today", Sumi said

Mahir sensed Sumi's disappointed, this was her most loved festival.. now neither her husband deserved her love not he's alive now.

"Oh ok mom, I'll eat and leave", mahir said

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