Chapter 14

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"Unknown Care"

Two days later, Bela was coming down from the study room for water while she saw mahir coming from his room. These two days she couldn't even glance at mahir due to his busy schedules. She knew he left too early in the morning and came home late at night as informed by kuhu few hours back.

This is what she wished when she accepted to work for him but now she wanted to look at him or rather she felt a void without his presence.

On the other hand, mahir was hell busy these two days due to new deal going on. Upon that he even fired his PA a couple of days back for a small mistake with which his work has doubled as now he has to look after all his meeting schedules too.

Bela moved ahead and found mahir holding his head and was going down the stairs. She suddenly saw him loosing balance and sensing something wrong she quickly went and held him falling from down the stairs.

She observed mahir was unconscious and in her arms. Unable to handle his weight she makes him sit on the step down and holds him through his back sitting next to him while Mahir was lying on bela's shoulder.

"Omg what just happened to him? And what should I do now?", Bela thought to herself

She called yuvi's name loud enough for everyone to hear and confused of why Bela called, yuvi along with Sumi and kuhu came from there respective rooms and shocked to see mahir lying unconscious in bela's arms.

"Bela what happened to Bhai?", Yuvi asked tensed

"Mahir!", Sumi uttered seeing him like that

"I don't know yuvi, he was gonna fall and I held him but later he lost his consious", said Bela with moist eyes

Bela quickly took her bag lying aside and taking a water bottle, she sprinkled a few drops on his face. To there luck they saw a little moment in mahir and Bela took another bottle and made mahir drink.

"What's this?", Yuvi asked

"Glucose water, call the doctor yuvi", Bela said

Unknown to her, tears made her way down her cheeks, she could never resist seeing anyone unconscious after her parents death. It always gives her bad vibes and the same was happening to her now. She couldn't see mahir lying unconscious like that in her arms and automatically fresh tears formed in her eyes which all three noticed.

"Let's take him to his room", bela said to which yuvi nodded

Bela slowly taking her hand from him got up little and both yuvi and Bela tried to make mahir stand. Though mahir opened his eyes he was still not completely consious to walk on his own.

Once mahir stood on his feet, unable to balance he fell on Bela who was now caged between the wall and mahir. Mahir weakly looked into her eyes and slowly backed off and yuvi and bela holding mahir's each hand took him to his room and made him lie on the bed.

Ten minutes later the doctor came while asked others to wait out.

"There's nothing to worry about, seems like he haven't eaten anything for a few days and so his BP went down. For now I have him an injection and he will soon gain his consious but make sure he eats something heavy once he open his eyes.. and he's lucky that he din't fall from the stairs, he would have been badly injured then", doctor explained

"Sure doctor, thank you", Sumi said wiping her tears

"Don't worry mom, Bhai will be fine soon", kuhu said to Sumi

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