Chapter 69

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"The Symbol Of There Love"

Bela now entered her ninth month, and now she was sitting on the bed while Mahir was giving her legs cold compress for her pain.

"Enough Mahir ji, I'm fine", Bela said

"It's ok Bela, is it paining too much?", Mahir asked bela

"Little, that's ok", Bela smiled

"Ok you take rest, I'll keep this back and come", Mahir said going down

Bela suddenly felt a pain in her stomach, slowly she felt immense pain and understood it's the time.

"Mahir ji", Bela shouted calling him

Mahir got worried hearing her voice and quickly ran and seeing her he got even more worried.

"Bela what happened? Is it paining?", Mahir asked

"Mahir ji it's the time", Bela said

"What how? You still have time for your due date Bela", Mahir said concerned

Bela got annoyed at his question and slapped him slightly on his cheek.

"Now what? Won't you take me to hospital coz it's not the due date?", Bela asked while tears were flowing from her eyes

"Sorry sorry", Mahir said picking her in his arms

He ran towards his car making her sit in the backseat while Vish quickly came sitting next to Bela sensing the situation.

"Mahir ji I.. I can't", Bela felt exhausted

"Bela it's ok don't worry, we are just five minutes away.. just don't close your eyes", Mahir said worried

Soon they reached the hospital and Mahir made her lie on the stretcher and the doctor immediately took her inside.

"I'll also come", Mahir pleaded the doctor

"Sorry sir, you ar'nt allowed.. just sit outside we shall inform you once it's done", the nurse said

"I want to be with my wife", Mahir said barking inside the ICU

The nurse tried to stop him but the doctor asked her to let it go as she knew Mahir wouldn't listen to anyone now.

"Bela it's ok, just try to push as much as you can", the doctor said

Bela tried pushing putting all her efforts while all this time Mahir stayed beside her rubbing her palm inorder to calm her down.

Mahir eyes flowed seeing Bela in pain and remembered and incident post the day he knew about Bela's pregnancy.

Flashback :

"Bela but you will have lot of pains right?", Mahir asked concerned

"So you want me to deliver the baby just like that?", Bela laughed

"No, but you gotta bear a lot", Mahir said

"I know, I understand you are concerned for me but Mahir ji this is a great feeling that I have a little life within me.. and about all the pains, ofcourse I'll have but I'm ready to bear it all for my baby.. and obviously you will always be with me and that's indeed gives me more strength", Bela smiled

"What will I do bela? I can't even share your pain", Mahir said

"You don't need to, just hug me and I'll be fine.. just hold my hand during my delivery and I shall do it all smoothly", Bela smiled hugging him

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