☺︎︎ Chapter Forty-Seven

Start from the beginning

Bongsik hops off of Jeno's arms so the two friends could hug properly, walking pass Mark with a roll of her eyes and jumps back onto the couch beside Jaemin this time.

The secretly– towards Jeno's friends, vampire boy caresses Bongsik's head with his knuckle, snickering when Mark started glaring at the cat.

"Jeno, teach your cat to not be picky with people. She barely knows Jaemin yet here she is all snuggling up to him like he's her dad and you're her papa, while I've been here longer." Mark said.

Jeno pulls away from Haechan's hold and snorts, "you're kinda right though Markue hyung, Jaeminnie hyung can be Bongsik's dad soon." He giggles while Haechan chokes on his spit.

From the corner of Jeno's eyes, he saw a glimpse of his boyfriend's reaction. The older boy had a small grin on his handsome face and seems to be reacting positively on his words.

Thank goodness, Jeno thought Jaemin would get upset about it or call him being too head over heels. Well, maybe he is, but he obviously has reasons.

"Still! I've been here longer yet Bongsik barely lets me feed her." Mark protested, ignoring what his childhood best friend had just said.

Jeno rolls his eyes and shook his head, "well I'm not the one who locks her up while her owner is gone, wiggles her around and plays too much with her, pulls her tail–"

"Okay yeah, but half of those have reasons, I lock her up because she starts scratching me, and me wiggling her around and playing too much is just being playful." Mark tries to excuse his past– and probably long lasting actions.

The younger boy huffs and points at his pet cat that was rubbing her head against Jaemin's knee, the vampire boy lets her be and listens in to the conversation along with Haechan.

"She's a cat, Mark hyung. Not a puppy, they're different with their natures. And she's just being protective," Jeno defends his supposed baby and sighs when his best friend sulks back.

"Fine, I'll talk to her if that's what you want." He gives in as the raven haired boy smiles contentedly. Reaching over to pinch Jeno's cheek with a small coo.

Haechan raises a brow at him from behind, "talk to her? What, you trained her to talk back in our human language?" He jokes, laughing afterwards.

Jaemin glances at his boyfriend who gulps nervously, he discreetly nods at him, encouraging Jeno to keep going with his act as Bongsik also blinks up at her owner.

Jeno bit his lip at the older boy and turns back to Haechan before letting out a laugh that almost sounded too forced. He can't be too obvious.

"Anyway, I think you guys should go now, don't you guys have homework?" He asks, changing the topic.

Mark shook his head as a response, "thankfully none, but..." He pauses and looks at his boyfriend with a strict look. "You, mister, have some studying to do for our quiz tomorrow. So let's go."

He beckons for Haechan to follow him out after exchanging hugs with Jeno, however after a few minutes, he then ended up dragging his boyfriend out the apartment because he didn't want to study.

Jeno exhales deeply and locks the door after they left, walking back over to his spot on the couch and hugs his boyfriend, tucking his face into the crook of Jaemin's neck.

The older boy notices his behavior and rubs his back gently, "what's on your mind?" He asks, glancing at Bongsik who was shrugging at him.

Jeno sighs a little and pulls away to mumble, "we have to tell them about... This, later on, Jaemin hyung. We ca– I can't lie to them forever."

Jaemin hums and cups his cheek, "we will, we'll tell them about my world, story, and all that supernatural shit." He pauses, rubbing Jeno's cheek with his thumb.

"But not now." Sighing, he purses his lips when Jeno tilts his head at him. "Because I have to tell you my whole story first."

"What?" Jeno raises a brow.

Bongsik meows at them, gaining their attention as she looks at Jaemin. "Tell them, your highness." She said sternly.

"My dear soulmate, 'your highness' ?"

"Pup, welcome to my world."

Puppy Emoji ☺︎︎ ∫ JaemJen【✔】Where stories live. Discover now